Hi! 33 recently diagnosed with ADHD. While this diagnosis makes sense, it has come at a time where I don’t know if the meds are working. I started a new job that has me scrambling to stay above water, but when I force myself to do a task I’ll work on it until late at night. Idk if it’s because of the meds or my concern of surviving this new job. I really don’t know what to expect for either issue.
Expectations : Hi! 33 recently... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Generally you will know when the med works, but for some people the med doesn't announce itself.
That working late on a project--simple question: is that new for you? You've been under stress before. Did you do that previously before taking the meds? That could be the effect of the meds.
I think a good assumption for you is to assume the medication is not working as well as you would like. You need to track behaviors and symptoms so you can detail those symptoms (continued symptoms) when you meet again with your provider.
Good meds, though, don't miraculously help us with deadlines and planning and execution and so on. So you want to find a med that helps you think clearly enough to be able to tackle some of those issues on your own. Read up on establishing habits.
Therapy is highly recommended. Therapy is a place where you can learn language to describe things and to describe them in the right degree and so on.
How about you talk with your employer about having ADHD? I once took on a side job, Scared to go there every Monday morning. Stuck it out far too long but never being able to focus on reading up on the new subject. Never feeling confident and til the end out of my depth. Great relief when I finally quit having decided to move to another town. In retrospect I should have faced the devil earlier and accepted I couldn't or didn't want to do it. Didn't know I had ADHD at the time. Antianxiety meds didn't help. Now my current employer knows and treats me with more care for it. Maybe worth talking to them, sending them information to educate them. The response I had was very positive with doing this. If you want I send you what I sent them. They told me they really appreciated it and understood things better. And they encouraged me to see occupational health to discuss what I struggled with and what they, the employer could help me with. If that fails and the meds still don't work as you optimise the dose start looking around for another job perhaps. Love yourself enough for it.
That makes sense. When things are stressful I do my very best work; I can work hard and long. But if the stress continues I eventually crash and burn. Also novelty, things like starting a new job, really help me. It might be smart to not increase the dose till things settle down a bit, and things get into more of a routine. Or if you just started the meds, maybe hold off on them a bit till things have settled. Good thing to talk to your doctor about.