Good Morning All.
I’m 61 and don’t work outside the home, though I’ve got a large family and elderly parents. I’ve got no social life unless I reach out and organize something. Which I don’t want to do all the time. I’m in need of order but have virtually no motivation now that the kids are gone. I can’t get things done day to day until it turns into CRUNCH TIME, then I’m on it! As we all know too well, doing the maintenance of life like walking the dog at a regular time each day, preparing meals in bulk so I’m not starting from scratch every night makes sense but I can’t get motivated. Making the phone calls, going to the post office or doing returns - forget it. Obviously(again another symptom) there are other things which I’m finding more enticing then what has to be done. Not having a proper schedule is HELL when you’ve got ADHD. I’ve got a husband who doesn’t demand much from me, which in a sense I’m lucky but it’s not a good environment for me. Unfortunately, he doesn’t work too well with having routines. There’s some rebelliousness going on from his childhood and I’m paying the price.
My question is…
*Are there others out there who might want to join together with me where we can check in frequently (at least at the beginning) to help and encourage each other to get things done, get out of the house on time, go to the gym, sit down to write that report or get that project done on time or even create daily routines for accomplishing tasks. Whatever the challenges are that day, week or month, can we work, help and encourage each other?
Perhaps this could be handled in different ways. For sometimes you might want a daily time to check in and share how your list of accomplishments went from the day before and discuss your upcoming activities for that day. Other times you might need to just check in twice a week. Somehow accountability has to be met and checked to keep us on task.
I’ve heard some professionals on Podcasts calling this a Shadow or a Body Double.
It would be nice if we didn’t have to join and pay a group to get support from others who have the same issues day to day, week to week, month to month. We’re all creative ingenious people who generally like to help others so let’s utilize these beautiful traits and help each other out.
It’s Friday February 18, late morning. Could we come together somehow and discuss details and look at starting something on a regular basis February 28?
Perhaps we’ll have to create a What App or Zoom call to communicate through.
Would this idea be of help to anyone else? Let me know.
Ok, I’m going to get dressed and walk my dog, happy Friday all!
This is in response to some comments that came in …
I forgot about Facebook. Yes, I’ve done it. We’d all need to become friends with each other to be able to become a group. My concern on FB is the privacy factor. We really don’t need to know about everything which we’re sharing on FB so as much as I’d like to I’m leaning against using this platform for the primary issue of privacy and confidentiality.
I’ve never done anything like this and I’m aware that there should be guild lines and rules beside being respectful and non judgmental.
One thing I do know is that for this work we all need to realize that changes in our schedule will have to happen. Weather it be to waking up early to connect with your group or to get in that morning daily exercise. It might mean that a carpool schedule will need to be adjusted or when you take a break at work. We’ll have to change things in our lives to make this work and if we can’t commit to changing our schedules so we’re able to connect with each other AND willing to adapt our lives to perform better then this isn’t something for you right now.
My thoughts are to carry this out for one month at a time. They say it takes 21 days to create or Chan habits. All of us having ADHD to different degrees this process might take a little more time, so I’m suggesting a month.
I’m feeling a bit like the mean mother-/disciplinarian but I feel this is what’s going to keep us accountable to our lives and with ourselves, so ultimately we’re conducting our lives better, are more productive and will have a better feeling of success.
Anyone who’d like to participate…please bring suggestions on the 28th. Being a planning session we should be prepared to stay for an hour this time. Hopefully our check-ins won’t be this lengthy.
*STAY TUNED and check back for updates and more details on when we can come together to create an outline for this program.
Date: Monday February 28.
I propose 10am & 9pm EST on Zoom (I’m in Maryland).
Any thoughts on a name for this group?