Day 6 of concerta. Why am I SO tired?! - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Day 6 of concerta. Why am I SO tired?!

Ambhc283 profile image
7 Replies

I have suffered my whole life with adhd and finally pushed myself to get help when I noticed my 10 year old and 9 year can better manage life and keep things more organized than I can! I had my first adhd test Monday and my first appointment Tuesday and was prescribed meds the same day. I’m taking 36mg of concerta. The first 2 days were great! I would sit and finish something and not move on half way through with boredom. I felt like I had a clear mind and no constant monologue going in my brain. My daughter even said “your driving seems better!” LOL! No led foot! It was great. I just felt so at ease and calm! I’m now on day 6. I just feel so bleh. I feel tired and like nothing is working anymore. I can feel it kick in the first couple hours I take it and then I’m ready for a nap. I just yawn all day until bed if I don’t get a nap in. I guess I don’t feel as scattered brain and I’m more slow moving and not being such a spaz but I’m just so tired!? Idk I’m disappointed it’s like my body is already immune to it. I knew this would make me feel at ease and have a clear mind but I didn’t think I would be so tired. Is this normal on concerta or any adhd meds? is concerta known to make ppl sleepy? I plan on telling my doc of course just wanted some immediate insight.

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Ambhc283 profile image
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7 Replies

Stay on the med for a month. It's impossible to figure out what's going on by evaluating yourself hour to hour. First of all, in the first three weeks, lots of meds have side effects. My father was in drug research and he used to say ALL medications have side effects. Well ADHD meds seem to have strong side effects, but those decline. Try the med for a month and then report to the doctor. Your body goes through all sorts of adjustments in the first weeks of the medication ... frankly, for the first months.

And ADHD meds can have confusing effects until you start to really pay attention to your body. So if your mind has been super active, then a med that calms you might leave you oddly sleepy at times because you're used to be awake fueling by adrenaline and a chaotic mind. Again, you'll get used to this and make adjustments.

Also, a dozen things affect how an ADHD med works for us. Sleep, rest, level of stress, exercise, time in nature--on and on. So you have to give the med a chance by doing other good things for yourself.

Candleberry profile image
Candleberry in reply to Gettingittogether

I am experiencing the same thing as the poster. Thanks for your answer, it helps.

looksee profile image

When I have too high a dose the concerta makes me sleepy and very difficult to get going. Did you build up to 36mg? There is an 18mg dose that you may need to try. Also I cannot take any generic except Patriot brand for concerta. You can read about the issues with generics if you google “Concerta authorized generic” information. Have you tried the short acting (Ritalin) to work out the right dose? Some people need a much smaller dose, it has nothing to do with how bad your symptoms are, or your weight or size - it is very individual to your brain chemistry. Also methylphenidate (Ritalin and Concerta are cleared through the system within a day, you don’t need to be on them for a length of time to realize the effects, which makes it straightforward to titrate to get the right dose.

Oh, and I need to take it on an empty stomach, if I take it with food I metabolize it too quickly and have an uneven response.

Caseopia profile image

I was just on Concerta for about 2 months. Everyone is different but I too felt it helping for a few days then stopped so I came off. I was on Adderall but as soon as it wore off (which didn't take long) and I prescribed 3x a day it did help but I can't keep track of taking meds that many times a day so now I'm on vyvance once a day. I'm keeping my fingers gers crossed I don't get too used to it and it not work anymore. I do agree with another reply someone posted to try to stay on it a bit to see if your body adjusts and it does help. I hope you can find the right regimen.

Nextdoor22 profile image

I am having the exact same experience with Concerta right now. I felt great for the first couple of days and now I feel very tired, unmotivated and blah. I’m tryong to decide if I should stay on it for a little longer to see if I adjust or if I should discontinue it. I read your experience and wondered if you continued and did it get better. I realize that post was a while ago but please let me know when you get a chance.

Hope498 profile image
Hope498 in reply to Nextdoor22

YOU may be tired because you're not used to being AS active mentally and physically as you were on the Concerta on the 1st two days. I continue to be amazed on how tired I get when I mentally strain myself on a project such as research writing.

Mrscrochet profile image

I been on stimulants for years. You may have another disorder. I have a depression also. I combine Vyvanse and Zoloft together. Two or more disorders is called comorbidity. I hope this information helps you.

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