Hi this Shnookie. I’ve been having ADHD issues of feeling stuck and not doing things That I need to do like looking for employment. In the midst of all this, I was on the way to my car after I purchased my groceries at the market. Right b4 I exited the store, I noticed an unaccompanied
shopping basket with a gorgeous expensive Gucci bag unzipped. I thought OMG 😮
someone can steal this beautiful purse.
B4, I could go to the manager to tell him what was going on, a frazzled woman approach the cart and told me that these kind of things happen to her from time. I felt so bad for her. I don’t know 🤷♀️ if she has ADHD but it struck a chord with me. I’ve been out and a number of times have left my ATM card in the machine after the card was processed. Fortunately, I’ve had these
issues incidents including my Starbucks. I just need to be more aware of my surroundings. Thank U 4 letting me vent
Hugs 🤗 S