I took 70mg lisdexamfetamine today at approx 10:50am. Near 11pm this evening my mum noticed my face was red. My feet and hands are ice cold and my skin is blotchy. I’m assuming this started occurring at the lisdexamfetamine began wearing off. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s been an hour and not improved.
Cold hands and feet but flushed/hot f... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Cold hands and feet but flushed/hot face after Lisdexamfetamine wears off?

Talk to your prescriber about it. A lot of these stimulants affect your vascular system. I had to stop taking Adderall because it was exacerbating my Raynaud's as well as causing neuropathy. Basically it was affecting the blood flow making my hands and feet colder with blood flow occasionally completely stopping to fingers and a very uncomfortable feeling in my fingers.
Thanks for your response. Can I just confirm though, was this happening whilst you took adderall or after it was wearing off? The thing is I have been fine taking Lisdexamfetamine for months, this is the first time it happened. And it didn’t happen during the day only as it was wearing off. Is this the same as what happened with you or was it during the day whilst adderall was still in your system ?
My face didn't flush that I'm aware of. Your body can build a reaction to medication over time which is what happened to me. It took a long time for me to figure it out that it was the Adderall that was making everything worse. I'm a nurse and my hands began reacting to hand sanitizer by getting colder and colder, but even that took several months to start happening. I had to stop using hand sanitizer altogether. With some drugs people have reactions right away. And other times people can mount a response to them over time and for me it took about 6 months which made it really hard to figure out. I came across an article researching Raynaud's associated with Adderall and read that something like 40% of the people who take Adderall develop Raynaud's. This class of drugs has this property. You can also call your pharmacy and ask about it.
That always happens to me when the Vyvanse is wearing off. It usually lasts an hour or so. I flush bright red! It’s quite uncomfortable. Never happened with other meds though.