CHADD's Adult ADHD Support

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Mymedsworeoff profile image
7 Replies

I've recently decided to take a trip into putting more effort into my ADHD.. Complaining about it since I was in my starting teen's... Realizing I had it way longer.. When my mom told me I was hyper out of control.. She brought me to the doctor and they told her to have more kids and I would calm down... Ha ha ha they were wrong.. I got worse... Considering now 3 brothers and a sister. With only 1 brother with ADHD which is a third sibling.. Finally facing the truth destroying all confidence I had.. Pushing family. Friends love ones aside.. Spending as much time alone as I could so my ADHD wouldn't kick in and me starting to act like a 5 year old.... As seeing how people would decide not to be in the conversation we we just having since I was all over the place... Recently I started 60mgs of vyvance. 40 in a.m 20 in afternoon.. I noticed a difference right away.. Wasn't much but any changes in how u felt to how your feeling is noticed.. Not until I mixed in a little viiberd 40mgs in a.m... The antidepressant and a stimulant started to make things a little easier..... I've started catching myself here and there doing things I shouldn't be doing.... Switching from one task to another rapidly.. Then realising I haven't finished that cleaning there first.... It had also changed my day and nights back to normal... I got a good tip from a u tube video from a doctor gabor mate.. He's a doctor that has good information on ADHD considering he has ADHD and takes meds and his children do to.. The things he talks about make me think... I NEED TO PUT IN SOME MORE WORK... I'm trying my best finally and I mean that in the most positive way.....

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Mymedsworeoff profile image
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7 Replies

Great to hear that you have seen the road ahead and taken steps to get along it. I guess many of us feel like this, but don't take the first step. Sounds like you've got a truck-load of incentive to get you moving. Wishing you a 'safe-journey'.

wtfadhd profile image

Doctor gabor mate- ok i will def u tube him. The “ immaturity” you described is exactly me. I get so down on myself about it. I switch between taking my adderall faithfully to saying f it n going without it which ALWAYS ends up bad. But i just get exhausted swallowing pills to be more neuro n also feel sooo bored when i take my meds. But your post has inspired me. I am committing to taking a bit of time each day during holiday season to educate myself more on my adhd n lean into it. Thanks for post!!

ADDMom1961 profile image
ADDMom1961 in reply to wtfadhd

I’d been on Adderall and was better but on the recommendation of another doctor I’m now on 60mgs of Vyvanse XR so I’m taking only one pill in the morning. I also take vitamins in the morning along with the Vyvanse and at night I take Sertraline and Quintiapine. These help me sleep, balances a chemical imbalance I’ve got which makes me tear up and cry at the drop of a hat and one is the generic Zoloft. So I too take a lot of pills. Between my vitamins, the morning and evening meds I take 10 pills each day.

I find it most important to look at my schedule at the beginning of the week and again each night before I go to bed. I wake up at least an hour before everyone else (sometimes 2) so I can have my coffee, walk my dog, read the news, make my lunch and get dressed before everyone else wakes up and needs me or should I say needed me. My kids are grown now but I still practice this routine because I feel in control and that’s important. I’ve also found that I MUST exercise each day for at an hour. This could be a half hour in the morning briskly walking the dog and jumping to a video later on in the day or as today goes, a half hour walk w/ Doggie then I’m swimming laps at the YMCA. It doesn’t matter, just kick up your endorphins and get your heart rate pumping and get yourself outside each day for at least 30 min. I also journal a couple times a week as well. It’s just a place to vent, let off steam, put down my thoughts, express my dreams and my fears.

Another person for you to listen to is Dr Ned Hollowell. I’ve read (listened to actually) his book “Driven to Distraction “ and heard him at the ADDA Conference a couple years ago.

I really enjoy his podcast and he too is someone who has ADD is a parent of kids with it and is a doctor treating patients and helping them navigate their lives.

Best of luck and I hope my story does some good.

Mymedsworeoff profile image
Mymedsworeoff in reply to wtfadhd

I'm glad to here that u'll be looking at informational materials.. They first were a shock to me... Hearing them describe me to a tee... I started with Ted talk.. At looked for adhd.... Omg endless videos.. Which gave me an ADHD spike... Which one to watch ugh.. Ugh brain spinning no emotional check. Now I see a video and have to remind myself.... IM DOING THIS FOR ME... FOR A PIECE OF SOME SANITY.. Was never looking for the change in my life till now... My small main goal is to be in a conversation that I can commit myself to no matter what.. EVEN IF IT DOESN'T HOLD ME TO IT... I have to stop picking and choosing conversation that suit my brains needs.. When there are so many people in the world that I just pass by... Not knowing if they could be a long term friend.... Since the friends I do have are over 30 years.. With being only 47 that's a lot of alone time and missed opportunities to experience a good life.....

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Mymedsworeoff

Omg yes!!! I agree with what you said - to just to commit to being in the ADHD conversation even if it doesnt result in immediate action. That was a very profound way to word it. I am going to make this my new mantra.


F_RN_Dx_at_39 profile image

Thank you for sharing your journey and resource. I looked up Tabor Maté, and have been watching as YouTube videos and already have his book on hold of the library. I love his perspective on this. Thank you. I'm hoping I can use his insight as inspiration to help motivate me to get started on my CBT and ADHD workbooks.

Mymedsworeoff profile image

I'm glad the information came in handy. As someone with ADHD makes me feel happy since I've just started my journey diving into helping myself... In the short time dr. Mate has given me so much to think about.. HAD ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS THAT MAKE U GO. UM... Especially since he himself has ADHD and takes meds. Getting more experience from other people is a key thing to move forward... Since are ADHD usually stops us for asking for help but we'll usually not say no to other people when they need something... Looking for instant gratification or approval just for extra dopamine to feel normal for a moment... When this group has given me a lot sharing and receiving vital information.

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