I thought I'd take my turn at some positive. Firstly, I'd love to hear any "super powers" you all have found other than the 2 I'm mentioning now. For one, my laser focus is of the chart. Give me a task I'm interested or confident in, and I will rule the moment. I was an amazing body piercer for three years, because I was passionate. Secondly, my energy is through the roof to when I'm well rested. My wife jokes that I could dig to China in a day if left alone with a spoon. Lol. I'm also a very understanding person, mostly because I've been judged so harshly my whole life. It really helps me to be tender towards others when they mess up. Big or small. We're all flawed humans. ADHD or not. Love the opportunity this forum provides. Thank you all and much love!! Stay strong my friends. Lifes just a game, let yourselves play!
ADHD Super powers. : I thought I'd take... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
ADHD Super powers.
I have learned how to hyperfocus and used this ability to assist me in analyzing, organizing and summarizing medical records for over five and a half years as a paralegal. In regards to empathy for others, there are a combination of factors that have lead me to act with kindness to other. My father, aunt and grandparents were Jewish holocaust survivoers
who arrived in the U.S. in 1947. Even then they were called the derogatory term
"refs" short for refugees by other Americans. When I was told of these stories, I knew what it meant like to be different and this started me on my road to support to the underdog. I also stuttered as a kid and even though I attended speech pathology classes, one day at class
my teacher said to me in front of other teachers, that my mouth sounded like it was full of marbles. !! I was mortified but was also a shy little girl who did not know how to stand up for her school. Fortunately, when I told my mother what happened she was very displeased and went to school to speak to the teacher about how he hurt my feelings and self worth. It made me even realize more, how important it was more me to stand up for myself and advocate for others who might have been forgotten by society
With all the challenges we face, I love the idea of sharing positive super powers! Once the rest of the world has gone to sleep and the distractions are few, my superpower is staying up all night doing my homework. Through the twists and turns since I was diagnosed four years ago, I am now a 46 year old college student. By learning how to harness my hyper-focus into studying, I finished my first year with a 4.0 GPA My other super power is that I can read a whole novel in one day/sitting- that is, of course if I should be doing something else productive but the story is just too good to put down.
Another super power, for me, is knowing what people will do or say before they do or say it. I can see where that thought is going way before they do, so I’m understanding quickly and can respond quickly. This helps so much in my HR work. It’s all about clues. I read facial expression, body language, and also draw on my own previous experience - in a flash. That’s the ferrari brain processing speed of ADHD.
Now, without restraint, that can come off as a negative. We must not blurt, no interrupting. Neuro-typicals don’t like that. 😉
Nothing thrills me more than attending my ADHD support group, being in a room full of people just like me. We all talk at the same time and jump from one subject to another and nobody misses anything and everyone gets what you’re saying. It’s divine!
Thanks for sharing!
I love this:
"I'm also a very understanding person, mostly because I've been judged so harshly my whole life. It really helps me to be tender towards others when they mess up".
I have the same thing!
Lately I've been getting very frustrated at the fact that I have a hard time being firm with my workers. Now you made me see the upside of it!
I think it's great that each of us has SUPERPOWERS THAT WE CAN LEARN FROM EACH OTHER. I think that we have also developed a compassion for others who are having challenging times in the time of COVID.
Have a great weekend guys.
Shnookie you’re the bomb and you will always be the bomb . If you have kids you’ll get the reference and that I couldn’t help myself lol 😂
Thank you! Glad I could help provide a different perspective. Namaste friend.
I am a super taster. I can taste chemicals that other people can’t. My friend said I should test foods for a king to check if it’s poisonous. Haha, no thanks. It’s not always super for me when food is beginning to spoil, but still edible to everyone else, or even nonorganic foods with chemical waxes on them. But then again, I taste the good parts more vibrantly.
I can hear sounds and smell things a while before others. It sometimes drives me nuts that no one else can smell it, or hear it like I do. Although, I can be a spy, that is on my sisters - hehe, and tell before others if the gas stove is leaking. SuperMeg! Haha,
I made a joke when I found out about the super taster gene that I was a super hero. My sister got so mad at me, and said I wasn’t a super hero. My mum and I thought it was funny. But since I had to have jaw surgery, and now I have a lot of titanium in my skull, I am Bionic Woman, or Bionic Meg. Haha.
I also hyperfocus, and I am not a quitter. It takes a lot to make me quit. I also have a high IQ in puzzles, go figure. I like 1,000+ piece jigsaw puzzles. I’m good at fixing things, so much that I always get asked for help, and sometimes too much. I am the handyman of the house. I like fixing things, and helping others, but sometimes I wish my friends and family would pay me for some of the jobs I end up doing. Then again, super heroes never get paid for their services. Haha.
Plagiarism is another of your super powers
Firstly, No one owns ADHD or any of its aspects. So you can take your negativity home and put it back in your closet. Secondly, I was having a good day, and felt inspired to spread positivity. So sue me! If you really have a problem with me posting this, it is my opinion you need work on more than ADHD issues. Plagiarism? Asking a similar question is not plagiarism. I also didn't stand to gain anything. So go sit, meditate, clear the anger from your mind. Know that I still hold space for you as an individual being, and unique expression of this Universe. Namaste and blessings to you friend.
Loving this thread! I like that you are looking for the positives. Our school japari.co.za/ does great work, but threads like this on this forum are so helpful to fill in the gaps and prepare for the years to come.
The world is flipped upside down and we're all doing the best we can. Take in some deep breaths and breathe out . We need to support each other now.