As I have stated before, I'm someone who's been screaming for help and not really given a lot of opportunities to do much as I want with my life, well about a couple weeks ago (January 30th to be exact) I took it upon myself to finally work to achieve my own stuff. I got my learner's permit, although I'm 26 it actually meant a lot of me to get this because growing up constantly were people who were never giving me the chance to feel independent I have the choice to do that.. My only worry now is if my ADHD will interfere with this goal and it scares me intensely, it really does.
Did anyone have that fear when they first started? I know 26 is usually considered the "way past appropriate mark" but still. It's a personal reason as much as it was an achievement. My only problem is actually getting the opportunity to drive.
Also pardon my manners, but Happy 2020 guys! It's been a while since I've been here and that's because I've joined a support group center that helps with mental issues like myself and since being there I don't feel consistently sad from isolation anymore. While I still feel some things are the same at least I'm getting the chance to experience things I didn't before and it's good. I just hope me driving can improve that further.
How is everyone's 2020 so far?