Let me start by saying this is the first time I've ever tried to level with others on a forum of any kind. Not that I'm against reaching out but I've always had a hard time asking for help/guidance. But the writing is on the wall and in my case whatever I'm doing now is not enough.
So here it goes-
I'm a 26 yr old man. I was diagnosed with ADHD at some point in middle school, 4th-5th grade or something. Details always are out of reach. I was medicated sporadically until my second year in high school. The perscription changed from Ritalin to Adderall and something else I can't remember. Really struggling with that memory ha. Anyway I stopped taking the meds. This was about the time there was a lot of talk about ADHD being made up and as a result I stopped taking the condition seriously. School was always a struggle. I did well on tests initially but never did homework. I moved around somewhat frequently and changed high school after freshman year. This did not go well in retrospect as I fell into delinquency. Skipping days, alcohol use, cigarettes, you get the idea. I will never make light of my mother's efforts who was raising my little brother and I alone, I am in awe of her strength as there were many hardships. But that's another story.
Mom remarried a great guy who was stable. I went to an alternative school in an attempt to save myself from a life without completing high school. No motivation like desperation, right?
I didn't try so hard to get into college. I wanted to advance but holy damn did that seem like a impossible task. I had so much help just to get through highschool and nearly flunked. How the hell was I supposed to accomplish a higher education on my own? The anxiety and premonition of catastrophic failure shot that down completely.
Alternately I just went to work in restaurants. Cooking has been a great experience and creative outlet but something that also hasn't brought me to the next level. Started at age fourteen and only just a few days ago left my most recent place of work. Plus I want better than grueling and time consuming kitchen labor. It's a bittersweet relationship. But at the same time cooking is all I know now. And now we're back to anxiety.
Neglected chores and poor life habits. Relationship after relationship failed and now more serious substances become my way to stave off internal crisis and depression. Not to mention thoughts of suicide in response to my feeling like I just can't get a handle on the piliing responsibilities. There's just so much and I am so tired. I want to do nothing. I'm living on my own and moving frequently because of some issue or another and trying to hide my substance use all the while.
If you've made it to this point, thanks. I didn't expect to be this frank but it's just keeps coming.
I'm currently seeing who I am convinced is the woman I want to spend my life with. She's so kind to others and has been incredibly supportive towards me. But there have been arguments, enough for her to have doubts going forward. I get defensive and feel like I'm not being understood. She says I don't care and am not trying. This sucks because I care about her deeply and once again I hate myself because I just can't seem to get it right. Just a moron who can't fix anything. This turmoil led me to re-evaluate ADHD. I figured it wasn't anything other than having trouble staying focused, but I needed answers. I had no idea what i was about to discover.
I couldn't believe that my depression, anxiety, emotional outbursts, and general neglegence stemmed from this.
ADHD was wreaking havoc in every aspect of my life.
My girlfriend thought it was an excuse at first but she's starting to realize that it's a constant struggle to stay on top of things. I need to get help. I've been taking stimulants that I think most would find concerning but there is complete helplessness without.
We're about to move to a new state and I've left a job cooking on good terms. Although any longer at that job and I think the facade of "being ok" would fall apart. I haven't been taking care of myself at all and it's becoming apparent.
So here I am. Pouring out more than I've shared with practically anyone. There's plenty of things to bring up but I need to make a point. I can't manage my life. I can pay rent and utilities but that's it. I go paycheck to paycheck and cut it close. I feel like I'm not an adult at all. I live in despair when lucid enough to percieve it.
I have no health insurance so I don't know how to get it. It's so unaffordable in my opinion. And these psychiatrist/therapist, treatment facilities seem out of reach. I want to succeed, I just can't without help.
If you got some advice for a young guy struggling to get by and held down by the horror that is ADHD I'll take it. If not, thanks for taking time to hear me out.
Just to throw it out there I'm super into art and from what I'm told I don't suck at it. Art has been an outlet since I could hold a pencil. I can get lost in it but as much as I love it sometimes I abandon projects or creating altogether. This is also painful as I hope I can make a life based around it and not give up on my talent. I threw one of mine up as a picture.
Ok I'm done.