1 month on Vyvanse and wish I never t... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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1 month on Vyvanse and wish I never took it.

youareherewithmike profile image

It's been about 1 month since I started on Vyvanse and the first few weeks were great - I was stable, what I thought was normal, calm headed, could focus much better & I was getting things done I was putting off. I even enrolled in training. Looking back now, even though I was feeling good - if I knew what Vyvanse would eventually do to me - I would never had taken it. And now I know I will NEVER take any Amphetamine based anything again. My doctor did not warm me that some people cannot tolerate Amphetamine at all. I have never had any serious side effects from meds so maybe he didn't think I would from this either. After about 2 weeks taking Vyvanse I started noticing I was becoming irritable. Not the usual irritable that I normally sometimes get but I mean full on RAGE and wanting to pick verbal rights with people- call out their crap - where before I wouldn't even care. It wasn't a physical rage it was an internal rage that I never want to feel again. This was happening subtly and it was so hard for me to control my wanting to lash out at people. The focus and stability at the beginning of starting Vyvanse that I felt was replaced with irritable rage that I don't want or can't explain. And trying to keep it together was not cool at all. But I did for the most part. I went back to my doctor and he switched me to Dexedrine. The pharmacist chuckled and basically told me if you can't tolerate Vyvanse, its unlikely you will tolerate this because they are both Amphetamine based. I took it for 2 days and after it kicked it I was so irritable I wanted to lash out at people. I was almost in tears not knowing what to do. I wanted to lash out at my doctor for giving me another med that is basically the same as Vyvanse. But I knew it would not work out for me in the long run so I went back and I will be trying Strattera. Amphetamine adhd's med's help a lot of people, but not me. I tried different doses 70mg, 60mg, 30mg, 40mg, and 10 and 20mg and even tried pouring it in water. Has anyone else had this happen?

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youareherewithmike profile image
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19 Replies
Mrscrochet profile image

I have taken Vyvanse for about a year now. I have had no problem with this med. You must have an allergic reaction to some compound. Have you tried Methylphenidate?

Freckles3 profile image
Freckles3 in reply to Mrscrochet

Hi there, I’m on 70mg vyvanse and Iv just been prescribed reboxetine 4mg twice a day. Had anyone tried this combination? I just wish vyvanse lasted longer than 6 hrs with me.

Testarossa1975 profile image

Is your doctor a psychiatrist or your primary care physician? This is really important because many primary care doctors are not trained thoroughly in managing meds for adhd and other psychiatric disorders. If you haven’t been evaluated by a psychiatrist, please do so. Also be aware that extreme irritability triggered by stimulant or even an antidepressant could be an indicator of bipolar disorder; it’s best to have a thorough psychiatric evaluation to determine this. A mood stabilizer may be effective in mitigating this effect of a stimulant.

It sounds like you were not on stimulants very long but were taking very high doses quickly which could induce the manic (extreme irritability) like symptoms of bipolar which can go away after the stimulant is stopped. Quickly getting to a high dose does not give your brain time to adjust so that could be the reason for what you experienced. Many psychiatrists will start patients at 5mg and gradually work up to about 20mg. I have heard of people taking high doses like 60-70+ but 60 mg per day is indicated for narcolepsy and 40mg Max per day for ADHD (increases by 5mg per week up to 40mg) per FDA guidelines.

Also please be aware that irritability can be a side effect of Atomoxetine but it may be less likely than stimulants.

Hang in there and work closely with your doctor to sort things out. It often takes time to find what works best for each individual.

Good luck!

Fred_2018 profile image

This happens to me when i run out of my Adderall. My get this nervousness feeling and anxiety kicks in. I rage out at my wife and I’ve come to learn that it’s withdrawal symptoms . It’s usually followed by this overwhelming groggy feeling. Keep in mind this is typically only 1 to today’s before my refill. So I’ve learned to manage my meds better when to and when not to take My meds. Having Attention déficit disorder it’s tough to remember if i took it or not. Sometimes I’m on pilot mode and don’t remember then it hits me i had already taken it. Again this is related but not really. I only get it when i don’t take it.

Nick1913 profile image

Hi Mike,

Yes I was given Adderal and had the same raging at the drop of a hat.... then went to Ritalin another amphetamine base.... same rage feelings... Stratterra worked on me for a while but I had an allergic reaction to it....

Keep vigilant about how you feel and what happens to your body whenever you are on meds.

Good Luck

youareherewithmike profile image
youareherewithmike in reply to Nick1913

Hi - What was your allergic reaction to Strattera if you don't mind me asking?

Nick1913 profile image
Nick1913 in reply to youareherewithmike

Throat felt hard to breathe

Batgrrly profile image

Yes, the irrationality started happening after three days with me. My ADHD got worse. I have now been through all of these drugs, which really are legal uppers. I gave up and we started attacking the anxiety issues instead as this is what kicks the ADHD into overload for me. I can’t even have coffee or very little chocolate and have problems. Finally even after several bad experiences with anti depressant meds, we are back to Prozac. Now, if I can get the insomnia under control and a regular steady job with steady schedule I’ll be much better.

Bynddrvn profile image

The other day I was reading that the medical community is working to identify which meds work with various groups of people but until they have perfected that, we are stuck with just trying out different meds. On the plus side, ADHD is one of the most treatable conditions - so there is likely a medicine out there for you.

All Amphetamine based meds make me jittery as heck, while Methylphenidate lets me concentrate but stay calm. Some people have even wondered aloud if I am on marijuana but I doubt someone high has the kind of attention to detail I have on Ritalin. The difference between taking my meds and not, is night and day. I can go through hundreds of data entries with zero errors on ritalin and off ritalin I am screwing up constantly.

Just keep trying the various medicines until you find one that works. Good luck.

Nick1913 profile image
Nick1913 in reply to Bynddrvn

I know there’s a genetic testing available that can tell which may and may not work according to your makeup... I don’t remember the name of it... it’s not absolute but it can save some time...

aarons21204 profile image
aarons21204 in reply to Nick1913

CHADD just did a podcast July 1st and mentioned that genetic testing.

Here's the link. podcasts.apple.com/us/podca...

Poofy2015 profile image

Hi I took Vyvance for almost a year and I wasn’t irritable but I had severe psychotic issues I started hearing voices and my psychiatrist was very concerned when I told him this. I tried a few other stimulants but had varying degrees of heart issues. It comes down to this if your sensitive to stimulants then you just can’t risk taking them. I am now on Imuvane and it’s a non stimulant. Does it help not as much as a stimulant but it does keep me going. You just need to advocate for yourself with your family doctor and Psychiatrist.

I'm confused you say you are now on Imuvane? Isn't that a sleeping pill? Does it help with adhd?

kmspa profile image

I had this same issue when I was on stimulants.

Happily back on strattera now.

Just FYI, the first couple of weeks on Strattera are rough because a lot of people have issues with it causing severe fatigue and/or stomach upset.

I promise that this is worth it once it reaches therapeutic levels in your system.

youareherewithmike profile image
youareherewithmike in reply to kmspa

Thank You so much for this reply. Really makes my day because sometimes I feel like giving up but I know no one else will care about my health but me. I have to continue on despite all the hassles and trial and error but in the end I know it's worth it.

Lovinit profile image

I haven’t had that be an issue but you said you’re going to try Strattera. Please let us know the results you have. I heard it can take up to a month before it starts fully begin working. I’m thinking of going off stimulants but I want to know at least one person has to say about it. Thanks. Wendy

LoveDogs71 profile image

Thank you for sharing about your experience. I'm now starting on an addrell. Hopefully I won't experience what you went through.

Sorry to hear what you went through.

Rebeccadhd profile image

I'm so sorry for what happened to you and I really hope, you find a good medication for yourself.

I have an opposite experiense, Elvanse helped me with my severe anger issues. In the mornings, I start to feel angry for old things but when the meds kick in, I feel neutral, motivated and ready to start the day. Also I could quit smoking after medication.

Good luck!

sophiebrodie profile image

Thank goodness! I thought I was alone in this!

I had the rage mood-swings, along with depression and short bouts of hypomania. In two days. Fun!

The only thing I can say that helped me was my mom hitting me with a pillow because I didn't punch it because it was THAT moment my mood shifted. Looking through the comments have been super helpful for me.

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