ADHD Weekly -- Forgiveness Is Good Fo... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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ADHD Weekly -- Forgiveness Is Good For Your Relationship

KarenADHDWeekly profile image
1 Reply

Mistakes happen and frequently with ADHD. How do you cope when unintended mistakes cause hurt in a relationship?

Practicing forgiveness is one way to help cope with ADHD. How do you and your spouse or partner work at forgiving the daily bumps and bruises caused by ADHD symptoms? Read "Forgiveness Is Good For Your Relationship" at for suggestions on practicing this coping skill.

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Hays3618 profile image

Having just gone through a divorce where my Ex took no excuses for anything and forgiveness was never given or appreciated. When dx with ADD/ADHD she took it as I was fixed and I should just do things right all the time now, in her words "be normal". I greatly appreciate you sharing this article. Whether we have ADD/ADHD or not forgiveness is what allows us to move to a better relationship, not only with those around you but ourselves as well. I wish everyone got this concept of forgiveness. No one is perfect, we will all make mistakes, it is how we respond to those mistakes is what will define our future.

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