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New here. New diagnosis, old patterns, will see Doc for Rx soon... Wrote this poem 11 years ago.

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I Love a Lady Fair

An ADDers Shame Lament

By OldNovice 30JUL07

Off I’d set to dragon slay

Crossing creek spent half the day

Tying knots in grass stems green

And seeing things I’d never seen

As the sun began to set

About that dragon I’d then fret

Wondrous things along the way

That dragon I will surely slay

But it’ll wait another day

Lady, how now can I face you

Have I now in danger placed you?

Having not done the things I said

The dragon lurks and is not dead

Gone now is the sunny day

I used it not for dragon-slay

We'd talked of what we’d do tomorrow

With no dragon-fear or sorrow

Resting on today’s won laurels

So I march strait-way on home

Fingers through my hair I comb

As I should’ve marched this morn

To neighbors shout and family’s horn

I march now bravely down the hill

Should’ve so marched to dragon kill

Instead I spent the day exploring

Grass and creek all while deploring

My poor use of time and sun

So she asks, ‘How was your day dear?’

I look around its all familiar

All things cooked and all things cleaned

All in it’s place and all serene

‘How was my day?’ I softly mutter

‘It was a day like many other

I forged the creek and fought through grass

I thought that dragon’s face I’d smash

But from me it escaped, alas.’

My lady senses guarded shame

And though my story is quite lame

She set’s before me bowl of stew

‘That dragons lucky to not see you.

If he had stumbled, let you find him,

His chance of living would have been slim.’

‘I hope your day at least was pleasant

Filled with sights of deer and pheasant

You deserved a peace filled present.’

I hope she knows how much I wanted

To be her dragon slayer vaunted

To bring to her his treasure trove

Pearls and gems and too much gold!

To bring her pride, let her sleep safe

With dragons head tossed at the gate

Neighbors talk and always will

About a lady with husband skilled

And man enough to dragon kill

Alas they will tomorrow talk

Of how her husband home did walk

Without dragon blood on spear

Not a man for beasts to fear

They will talk of how he seemed

To never finish anything

‘He goes and comes

Seldom works and never runs

Such odd little songs he hums’

I will again set out with heart

All set on doing my fair part

Alas, I likely will soon fail

Loose my shovel, drop the pail

Use my sword for swatting bees

Watch the ants upon my knees

As the day draws to a close

I’ll wander home... Yes, I suppose

And wonder who my secret knows

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