As a community all suffering (or have suffered) ADHD in someway should understand how upsetting it is to have unbalanced motor skills, even effecting the simplest of things. The worst part is hiding the secret from everyone publicly and having others treat you like you're half your age because of it. I'm a 24 year old Male, and one of my biggest goals right now is to learn how to drive, I wanna be behind the wheel. And to some people with ADHD it can be a buzzkill. I've planned on having it since I was 20, but due to my lack of focus and being unware of the problem (Until not long after) it's always driven by. However these past couple of months I've been getting pretty consistent in working hard to achieve, since I do live in a household where people are sick all the time, and I won't have much transportation afterwards.
As silly as it sounds, driving is something I wanna master before the future comes along (mainly due to being scare of my future) and with someone who suffers heavily from it driving is a big deal. It can be a bit much to handle balancing one foot or doing something without having another part of my body react on impulse. I can do some things as long as I'm careful, but as far as balance goes I need to work on it. It can also be hard when it comes to being reactionary as well, as sometimes trying to gain a quick reaction or reacting in delay can be frustrating, especially when it comes to certain tasks. This is also combined with having a delayed memory/reaction to things as well. So tell me does anybody else suffer too?
I feel embarrassing telling anyone about this due to people not really understanding its a problem, rather they'd take it as a form of incapability leading to judgement, so as a group of people all relating to the same thing I feel like I can explain the matter here. It's very hard to keep things from peers. I just wish things didn't have to feel so restrictive. Wish me luck on achieving this guys.