I've been acne free for the most part of my life. Now 33+ with two kids and started on treatment for overactive thyroid 2 months back.
I first took methimazole to which I had a bad allergy rash all over me. So doc changed to carbimazole and lowered the dosage, supplemented with 10 days of anti allergy med. That brought down the rash but now I have a new problem; relentless and very stubborn acne.
I use vaseline at night before bed and it makes it less horrid in the morning. But still I look like a wart factory. I'm not able to reach a skin doc at the moment.
I've tried baking soda as spot treatment, turmeric with honey and even mint leaves. Resorting to home remedies as I am not sure what to try.
Is this medicine related, any experience any advise? Thanks in advance