it’s been a few months since I posted last…. Since then my son has been dismissed from another preschool (that makes 2 in 9 months) we have decided to keep him home until we cannot anymore, but time would be fall at the latest.
He is 4 years old and started Guanfacine IR 2x a day, Ritalin 5mg 2x a day, a melatonin at night. I honestly have only seen improvement from the initial start of Guanfacine and has since reverted back.
After a month in Guanfacine we saw regression, so started the Ritalin and initially thought it helped. But then he had a very bad day at preschool where he started to throw chairs, and was dismissed (and I’m not upset by that decision, it was very unsafe behavior and I’m sure scary). We stopped the Ritalin about 2 weeks ago, and he’s not worse by any means. Some days are better than before that med.
the Guanfacine has zero effect now.
We started PCIT and honestly I’m questioning what that is even doing. And his OT discharged him because she didn’t think he really needed OT anymore.
He is so extremely hyper active, cannot slow his body down long enough to listen, each a meal, follow instructions, etc… impulsive still at times, thought not typically aggressive at home that’s only at school!
And now he know if he acts out he gets to come home. My husband and I both fortunate to work from home mostly, so we can make it work. But we really need him back in school for pre-k 4 next year, and have nowhere to turn. He does qualify for the public school program because it’s income based, but I just know that he will be dismissed from the private school and it will just set the domino train back off.
What in the world can we do?!? What doctor will take this seriously and get us and him, some help?!? His pediatrician only ran labs and referred to PCIT. His psychiatrist will only prescribe stimulants that do not work. We do positive reinforcement, clear consequences, give choices, all the things we’re told we should do.
I could cry.