I have an ADHD. I am now 49..
My main drug is clonazepam, NO it doesn’t do great with procrastination, time management, etc..
You/ child must have a very strict schedual, even in days off from school, must be up a certain time, all the way down to brushing their teeth at a certain time..
Yes, Adderall will help with scheduling, but after years on it, I think the side effects are not worth it… Something that speeds your heart up, what do you think ?!?!
I would put pre puberty kids on the lowest dose of clonazepam two times a day..
This will help with panic attacks and social anxiety as most ADHD people also have..
Per helping with organizing skills, I am going to try Guanfacine, or one of the other these other calcium, non-stimulant, etc.
How can you give your kids so much drugs..
100% NO