I would like to take this opportunity to vent and find out if other parents experience this. My 10 yo son has ADHD, ASD, and anxiety. When I say I am done with the school system, that is an understatement.He is in a small setting (reduced class size) but for the life of me I cannot understand how the teacher and co-teacher are so clueless to the needs of children in a Comprehensive Special Education environment. It is only 9 kids, yes each have what I am guessing are some form of intellectual disability, but geesh. During the school year my son has been bullied by a classmate including being physically attacked, told he would go to hell if broke some pinky promise, had his belongings stolen, was isolated from activities. Of course I filed a formal complaint and the teacher(s) are making comments to my son about it to the effect of saying he is a bully!
Then, they talk about how he cannot focus, makes noises and hums, gets on the floor, etc. Really!?! Read his IEP for goodness sake. He is supposed to have a dedicated aide, he doesn't. He is supposed to get frequent movement breaks, he doesn't. Then you punish him nearly everyday by taking his recess and wonder why "he has problems mostly in the afternoon".
Why can't kids with intellectual disabilities get the things they need? Special Education is lacking in so many ways and has been for far too long.