Does anyone have ideas on how I can get my ADHD 4yo to stop repeating the same question over and over? I give him the answer and he keeps asking the question. He does the same thing with his teacher. We are trying to find ways to help him not ask the same question continually. It's usually something as simple as "Can I watch a movie when we get home?" and I will answer him but he will continually ask it until we get home. Thank you for any help you can give!
ADHD Son is Repeating Questions - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
ADHD Son is Repeating Questions

Have you tried making him repeat the answer back to you? My son doesn’t always process verbal information, so I either txt him or make him repeat what I just said. If he can repeat it, he’s got it.
This behavior can be driven by the ADHD (being perseverative) or by anxiety (seeking reassurance). First determine which one is the reason.
Yep, mine did this too. I will answer the question twice. The second time I have him repeat the answer. After that I say, "asked and answered, do you remember the answer?". The first few times he was annoyed but after that he would nod and eventually he stopped. If he didn't remember I woke make sure he had all his attention on me and answer it. If he did remember I would ask him to tell me the answer.
My son is 7 now so when he says he does not remember the answer, I have him write down the answer (picture or words). This skill will be important.
Your son's teacher... Do they have a picture schedule displayed? This can help.
It is important to remember they aren't asking over and over to be annoying or rude. Their brain works differently. it is about teaching them strategies to be able to function in a world that isn't set up for them.
My son (7) also does this. I agree with above answers and will also repeat the answer a second time. After that, I say "You just asked that question. What did I say?" Most times he will repeat the right answer.
My son also does this. He can’t read yet, but I will write down the answer to any question that he has repeatedly asked me and give it to him. When he asks again, I tell him to look at the paper and then he will tell me the answer. The constant talking/questioning can be a lot!
Wow. So glad I saw this. If you are like me, I have to remember to keep taking a deep breath with every question. So love the ideas of answering in different ways like pictures, texting, drawing, or writing it down. My challenge is to keep the tone in my voice sweet while giving my kids time to process what I have just said. I pray my kids will learn the lesson and I will keep my tone positive and reassuring.
Funny. I was recently wondering if my daughter might be autistic and not ADHD. She repeats everything. Questions. Answers. Actions that just happened. She also asks the simplest questions and at 9 I have to remind myself she is not stupid. It is so much sometimes. It's been nice to know I am not alone in this.