My 11 year old daughter has trouble sleeping, and also has nightmares, is there any treatment out of the couter medicine for this or, Do I have to talk to her doctor. She is taking her ADHD Medicine.
My 11 year old daughter has trouble sleeping, and also has nightmares, is there any treatment out of the couter medicine for this or, Do I have to talk to her doctor. She is taking her ADHD Medicine.
Hi. I would, of course, recommend talking to her doctor. As for over the counter, melatonin can be quite helpful for assisting.with falling and staying asleep. It is not addictive and doesn't result in a foggy "hangover" like a benadryl type sleep aid. Of course, blue light filters on devices (if she uses any) help, too. Finally, I would recommend a constant bedtime and bedtime routine. Not sure about the nightmares except to say that perhaps sleeping more soundly would help. Good luck. Be well.
Agree with Adhd Dad. Just tagging on to say that with Melatonin, less is more. .3mg or 1/3 of a 1 mg tablet is enough, and even less may work. Zarbees has a 1 mg chewable that’s easy to cut into quarters. That’s sufficient for me on the rare occasion as well as my 11 year old. Regarding nightmares, perhaps trying to find ways to make the hour leading up to bedtime as soothing as possible? That’s a tough one. There is a fantastic free app called Smiling Mind that has a number of mindfulness exercises for different age groups on it. There are a handful of sleep ones that are great to listen to at bed time to help decompress and drift off. Some medications can cause nightmares so wouldn’t hurt to check with MD.
An ADHD child's brain is so active nightmares are not unusual. We use Nature Valley Melatonin gummies which we get at Walmart. But the boys psychiatrist has approved this. I would not do any even over the counter additives without a doctor's approval.
Just started reading a book, Reset your child’s Brain. It could be something to do with “screen time”. I am working a plan to extremely reduce it to see if it helps with focus. The book has a plan. I am only on Chapter 2. Sleep issues and nightmares are some issues mentioned.
Echoing what others have said about melatonin. A consistent bedtime routine that includes turning off screens 1-2 hours before bed have helped in our house, and exercise. My youngest really needs large muscle activities on a regular basis. It helps with more than sleep as well.
There are also other tools that can help besides Meletonin. Weighted blankets can be of benefit in placing pressure on the child.
Noise machine can also help. Our son also has to be cool.. he has a fan blowing on him while sleeping.
The other thing to think about is how dark the room is, you can use darkening shades.
Many children with ADHD, especially if they go to sleep full of energy struggle to slow their minds. Meletonin helps a lot.
Good luck