My 6 year old son started taking Focalin 10mg. He has improved in school tremendously and I’m constantly getting notes and messages from his teachers telling me how great he’s doing.
The issue is when he comes home the medicine is wearing off and he is off the chain. Gets frustrated extremely easy, cry’s, won’t follow any directions I can’t get him to eat, drink or do anything I ask him to do. He just screams and cry’s and seems extremely angry towards me. I’m also the only one home at this time so I’m an easy target.
We have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I don’t know what to do. Should we switch medicine? Should I ask her for something for him in the afternoons to help this? Is there even anything to help with this? I know taking him somewhere that he can be active would help but I cannot do that everyday and I’m having a really hard time helping him cope with the after effects of the medicine.
We are going to start therapy but the medicine is an issue I want to get figured out soon. With his improvement in school I’m scared to take him off of this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!