Anyone use nuerofeed back and find it was successful? Are the effects long term or do you have to constantly go back for treatment? Any information would be helpful
Nuero Feedback: Anyone use nuerofeed... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Nuero Feedback

Hello! We did 19 sessions of nuerofeedback and were thoroughly impressed with the outcome. Depending on the age of your child (my son is 6 going on 7) they recommend 15-20 sessions.
My sons behavior increased positively at home, his 45 minute escapades only last maxim a few minutes now (most days) my son was diagnosed with ADHD & ODD.
I’m a huge advocate of nuerofeedback just from the overall process of it. It makes sense for anyone who suffers from short attention span. Not sure where you are located but I could recommend a place in San Diego if your close by. Hope this helps!
Thank you, I’m located in the Midwest. My son is 7. His behavior is fine just attention issues In school that are affecting his learning. I didn’t want to invest all the money and it not be affective or just be some what.... are the results long lasting or will u have to go back in for matinence?
My child went thru about 40 to 60 sessions. After copays and deductible spent more than $1000. He is diagnosed but never on medication, it's hard to tell if there's a major difference. Definitely don't see major improvement. Effects are not seen right away and at the same time he's growing (6y/o) , so not sure if the improved symptoms, if any, is due to him being more mature or if it's from the sessions. I feel like it's more like a supplement, you may or may not see dramatic effects. It's a brain training exercise for you most likely will need more sessions in the future. The way the doctor explain to me is like exercising a muscle. Doing it once in a life time will not work. As the brain grows and the child experience more issues, the neurofeedback will train the brain with new pathway (skills).
Yes my daughter did it. No. No need to go back. She's not "cured" but definitely took the edge off and she's doing better. I'll take it! It was expensive but I know it made an improvement.
It did did not personally help with my migraines.... It taught me I have to much stress in my life and I need to slow down.
Yes it was very helpful for my 7 year old son. We noticed a big difference in his perception, depth of body space. It help him play like a child, meaning he was able to use the jungle gym like other kids and not be afraid, before he would move like an old man! The doctor said my sons brain was on ‘fire’, too much activity and was unable to shut down when needed. Of course these effects come with food too like sugar. We have not gone back after our sessions but I am a firm believer it has worked for my son.