I have 2 boys, 10 and 14, both ADHD with anxiety. I’ve been reading a lot about micronutrient supplementation but don’t really believe that it will help. Worried about throwing more money down the rabbit hole of supplements that might work! Anyone have success with these that could give me helpful feedback?
Micronutrients feedback: I have 2 boys... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Micronutrients feedback

When my boys were much younger ( 13 & 15 now), I went all out and purchased supplements to go with their stimulant meds, omega 3, multivitamins etc..etc.., I read that this supplements is good for memory, purchased it, this supplements is good for focus, this is good for impulse went to a vitamin store top qualities. Stuck with it for two months and there was absolutely no changes on supplements. Others may have a different opinion, but for my two it had no effect. I'm always wearily about man made things especially this stage of life . Before, people use to make good quality products ; cars, homes, fresh produce, without pesticide ,medications, not generics now! let's put something together to make a buck. I'll stick with GOD'S supplements green leafy vegetables, fish, etc.

Thank you!
From this research I've done my understanding is that they are finding individuals with ADHD/anxiety/ depression/etc are severely depleted in their vitamins and minerals for whatever reason (ie. they arent eating the right foods or right amounts of certain foods to get the needed nutrients, their body cant absorb the needed nutrients, or just because the food products that are grown today are depleted of these nutrients). As the previous writer commented the more natural route such as good nutrition is so helpful I'm sure but what if our kid's arent able to absorb what they need from that food or arent getting enough of what they need? It makes sense though in terms of the brain and brain/body connection...... if the brain isnt receiving the proper 'fuel' than its not functioning efficiently and also then not sending messages to the body as it should be for optimal functioning. We just started our daughter last week on TrueHope EMP which is one brand of the micronutrient supplement you are talking about. I spoke to a representative and she says it will take around 4 weeks (1 bottle) to see results. And from the research studies I have read they found the same - 4 weeks to see improvement and 8 weeks to see significant decreases in symptoms. I am hopeful. We have tried many many many different things to help our daughter and to help us to support her as best we can. Of course we are skeptical at this point but this is our last line of defense before we go to medication.....and since we've tried everything else why not give this a try?? Because if this does help our daughter and there is less need for medications (or a decreased dosage of medication) than I am all for it. I want to exhaust all other avenues first.
I am a strong advocate of broad spectrum micronutrients. I originally had my son on numerous supplements at the direction I the psychiatrist and did not see any improvement. The psychiatrist presented broad spectrum micronutrients as an option when we were against Prozac as our child is 7 and it raised real concerns for me. The two companies are True Hope and Hardy Nutritionals. The psychiatrist did not recommend me brand over the other. I selected Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients. The psychiatrist had him start on one pill twice per day. It was then increased to two twice per day. We saw little improvements, but did not see dramatic improvement until he was at three pills twice per day. I understand it works for some and not for others. It is expensive. True Hope is cheaper than Hardy. I have a friend using True Hope with her son and he is doing well. I think it is worth a try!!!
Thats good to know that we might need to go up to 3 pills twice/day! We started at 1 pill twice/day and just increased to 2 pills twice/day and so we'll keep an eye on it. Did you wait until after 1 month before increasing to the 3 pillls or did you just do it right away?
The psychiatrist told us when to increase. At one point it was longer than usual because she was on vacation. So the first increase happened after about a week, then her vacation, and then second increase happened at the one month mark. If your child is not on prescription medication I would say you could increase every two weeks so you can check how their digestive system is reacting. Dr. had us put ur son on a probiotic to help his stomach. Since he hasn’t had any problems, she said he can come off the probiotic. So glad you are giving them a try and hope you see some success!!!
Hi there! I’ve been following and learning a lot from this forum, but this is the first time I am posting. Thank you for your insights on this topic! Our 9-year old daughter has a fairly new diagnosis of Inattentive ADHD, generalized anxiety and slow processing. We are starting to see signs of OCD as well. I’m wondering if your son was also dealing with anxiety when you started him on micronutrients. Sounds like maybe since the doctor was suggesting Prozac? If so, did you notice a difference in his anxiety or were the improvements mostly in the ADHD realm? My daughter is not currently on meds but we are considering them for her anxiety as it is starting to control a lot of her life. If you noticed a change in your son’s anxiety, we may try that first. Thanks to you and everyone else on this forum!

The best results I have seen are with his anxiety and aggression. They were thinking of adding a diagnosis of disruptive mood disregulation disorder. As of our last visit, the psychiatrist is no longer considering that because he is doing so much better. I definitely think trying them is a good option! I wish you the best!
Thank you so much! So happy to hear that your son is doing so much better! I wish you both continued progress on this journey!
How are the Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients. pills for the kids to take? Not sure if my two kids will take them. They look like horse pills. Are they as big as they seem? Considering the powder form but currently out of stock.
My son is a pretty good pill taker since he started taking the pill form of his stimulants when he was 5. They are big but not huge. You may need to practice with your kids manning using candy. That’s how I started with my daughter. She now takes the optimal balance for women which are the same size. I think once your kids get the hang of it they will be fine. Someone else had commented on the taste of the powder not being great. The pills do smell, we called them stinky pills. You get used to it. I would recommend practicing with tic tacs. I’m a big fan of micronutrients, they changed my son’s life and our family in a positive way. If they aren’t working for you I believe Hardy has a return policy. They have a video on their site that gives recommendations on different ways to take pills. I encourage you to check it out and see if there are any tips you can use. Wishing you all the best for the new year!
Thank you!
My son is 10 and has adhd. We recently started him on EMP Lightning Stiks. It is a powder form of micronutrients in a daily dosage stik. It is flavored in a fruit punch, banana and berry blast flavor. We went this route since I could not see giving my child so many pills a day. He doesn't like to swallow pills. I give 1 stick a day, so that he can get the required dosage of micronutrients. It is costly, but worth a try.