Hello- sharing good news. My 16 year old with ADHD, and previous anxiety and depression was lucky enough to get a paid PT afternoon job at the YMCA as a summer camp counselor. She is doing phenomenal. She is ready for work, happy, engaged, on time, back back prepared, lunch made, enthusiastic, making friends, and getting a pay check. It has been the best thing I have seen for her self esteem. Sharing....
Summer PT job transformational - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Summer PT job transformational
Thank you for sharing! This will.be life changing for her. I hope going forward she is able to stay focused on goals for her future.
thank you for sharing, I’m glad to hear that.
so glad to hear good news! Thank you for sharing!
Good day, yeller,
Thank you for sharing! It’s great to hear that she’s enjoying what she’s doing and picking up new skills along the way. Here's a link to our teenager page if you think it would be helpful. chadd.org/for-teens/adhd-in... and chadd.org/for-parents/teens...
Best Regards,
Health Information Specialist
CHADD’s National Resource Center on ADHD
Congratulations to her! That's great news! I hope that she continues to have a positive experience. My 14yo son applied for a summer job at a fast-food place, unfortunately he was only given an unplanned phone call interview that he was completely unprepared for and never heard back. I think, like your child, it would have done wonders for his self-esteem. We're chalking it up to a learning experience and hoping that he can try again after a few months. Your message gives me hope he'll get his chance too!
Wonderful news for your daughter and warmed the heart of her Mum. A win win!
That’s fantastic to hear!! My 15 y/o son having a very positive summer job experience as well but not quite as ready or excited about his job. It’s interesting to watch them mature with outside influences and responsibilities.
some people need things to do to be happy. I’m glad for you. Looking into extracurricular activities for my 10 yo. Thinking martial arts or swimming…
Thanks for sharing such postive news. Awesome and I hope she continues to love it. Just remember even if she flounders a bit, that is normal right? I remember being 16 and sometimes hated going to work! Nice work Mama!