So my daughter and I were having lunch at a restaurant. We were just looking at fun stuff on my cell phone and waiting for our meal. There were two women sitting near us that were having lunch together and talking. They were really close to us. One of the women started talking about her grandson and how her son and daughter in law had just disclosed that their son had been diagnosed with ADHD. She went on to say how they were medicating him and how this was just an excuse and how they needed to just "get him under control" and "discipline" him and that it was "driving her crazy" how they were just "letting him get away with all this manipulation" and her friend totally agreed with her. My daughter could clearly hear them and so could I. I just kept distracting her, but she finally looked me right in the eye and said, "is that how you feel about me?" Of course I said No and we had a talk about it, but honestly I SO wanted to just say something to them, but I didn't and I held my tongue. Of course, we had to talk about it the rest of the day.
Do you say something or not?