Hello & incredibly grateful to find this group!
We have a smart & loving 6 yr old son, whose ADHD is slowly destroying our family. Oyr toddler literally does not even get a br ak to “breathe” when he is home, and without exaggeration, I forgot what “normal” looks, feels, sounds like, as for the past 6 yrs, not a single day went by without screaming, time outs, taking ng away wanted toys/privileges, etc.
My husband is drained, I am beyond drained, helping him aucceed in school is quite challenging despite his intellectual ability, which is great - if he could only slow down, focus, control impulses, think before answering/acting, etc...
We never wanted to even remotely consider medication, however, we came ro the realization that we tried everything and even my husband, whi resisted the diagnostic s all along, now agrees and understands it is a health condition, which needs to be treated.
Do you have any recommendations for great ADHD Pediatricians, Neurologists and Behavioral / Play Therapists in the Monroe, CT area?
Thanks so much!