How does everyone handle the calls from school? I try not to take it personally but I do. At the ICPC meetings everyone says they understand and want to work with you to help your child . But I don't think they really do understand or accept. 😩
Calls from school: How does everyone... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Calls from school
Are these things you are actively working on to improve with your child? If you are taking steps forward to improve things then during the discussion you can say, we are taking steps to improve...
If you are not then maybe the calls are a good way to start to make some changes for your child, maybe introducing counseling, get a mentor child to interact with your child...
They are hard to deal with, yes.. but they are a reminder that our children are not like other kids. But yes, don't take it personally...
Big hug and a tub of ice cream ( or a hot bath tub..
Take care.
My son is now 23, but the memory of phone calls and emails from schools lingers on and not fondly. I have to say the if I could change ONE thing about the grade school/high school year, I would not be so quick to take the school's side. I would side with my son and I would fight harder for him. He HATED school by the time he graduated from high school and much of it was from silly things the schools complained about and that could have easily been ignored or dealt with quickly. I realize that hindsight is always 20/20, but I still feel terribly that my son had such a bad experience in both grade school and high school.
Those dreaded calls used to torment me. Our son was only diagnosed at 17 and our school played a big part in delaying the diagnosis and I too wish I could have stood up more for my DS. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Best of luck and try not to take it to heart.
yeah my son is 27 now and the memory of those awful emails and phone calls are still with me and not pleasant. Someone told me once, be a velvet hammer, and i did pretty much adhere to that. I stuck to my guns in advocating for my son and although some teachers probably hated me, many more respected me for my diligence in working with my boy at home and being an involved parent. Oddly, my feelings about his school years are much more negative than my son's, so that's some validation to me that i didn't do too terrible a job.
Take one day at a time and remember that they are part of your "team" to help your child, that will help you not feel defensive. God bless and do keep us posted on how it goes.