Hi. To introduce myself, I’m mom to a 7 year old boy who was diagnosed with ADHD-hyperactive type about a year ago. The biggest concern over all was his impulsivity as he physically lashes out at other kids and myself. We started a med trial in February, switched to another medication in June. While both medications help a little bit it doesn’t seem to help as much as I would’ve liked. We switch to a new daycare in June also. We participated in a individual phone in counselling parental support program for the last four months. I am getting an SLP assessment. I thought we were on the right track, then summer hit.
He was registered in two week long camps. One he continued going to because they let him play video games all day (against my instructions), the other I pulled him out of because he was not participating and non-compliant. Then we went to Disney World (not my idea) and it was horrible. He was so overwhelmed and out of control that I ended up having to restrain him in a restaurant to stop him from hurting me then we left the park. That was only one of the incidents while we were there.
It seems that was the last straw because now I am a bundle of anxiety about him and his future. Is it more than ADHD, am I crazy, how will Grade 2 go, how do I best help him, is it my fault, I could go on for days....
Hello and thank you for having this group available.