my kid was diagnosed with ADHD , ODD and mild autism at 4yrs old. He’s 5 now but is having trouble with his temper / aggressive behavior at school. We are going to try and get a dr to medicate him so he can behave in school. I wanted to know what kind of doctors did you see to help medicate your child? Neurologist!? Neurodevelopment Dr? Psychiatrist?
need advice on which dr to see - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
need advice on which dr to see

Thank you for joining us for this journey of learning about having a child with ADHD. Most children benefit from 3 tools to help them deal with the symptoms of ADHD (and other difficulties). The first is an educational plan ( 504 plan or IEP) there are many strategies in school which help our children. The second is medication, for us seeing a child Psychiatrist they really started us on a journey of success. They specialize in managing medications and are skilled at dealing with dose, type and timing..
The last tool is therapy ( there are many types ABA, group, individual) this helps them learn how to manage their choices. They many work for some and not others
The last is exercise and for us the more our son does the better a day he has.
We are always here to support you and are happy to help you any time.
Hope you find the tools to help your son.
Thanks, my son has an IEP at school. The neurodevelopment dr diagnosed him with just ADHD. He’s been getting behavioral therapy individual since he was diagnosed. However his temper and anger / aggressive behavior isn’t getting better. He’s destroyed the principal’s computer, hits the teachers. We are currently trying to find a psych dr that will medicate him. Hoping this works out. We are still scared to let him play with other kids because of his explosive temper. Any parents out there experiencing the same temper tantrums and aggressiveness from there kids? If so what strategies worked to help him calm
have a watch of my posts earlier today on micronutrients helping emotional control
We started with a developmental pediatrician (very specific type of doctor) at 4 and then moved to a child psychiatrist as our son got older. Both were able to prescribe meds and help us figure out what was best for him.
Does he have an iep yet? Is he in mainstream or in a self contained or resource classroom? Staff or n the latter two have more training to handle these behaviors.
He has an IEP, currently in a classroom with a regular teacher and special ed. He gets extra time for occupational therapy he’s behind with the handwriting part. Only main issue is they have trouble controlling him when he has his outbursts. He gets angry easily and gets physical with teachers, classmates and staff. It takes a while for them to calm him down, so they have to remove him from the classroom sometimes. I just hate that he’s getting that bad kid rep at his school.
Just a regular pediatrician for us but being small town USA there aren't many options.
I’d recommend either a child psychiatrist or a developmental-behavioral pediatrician. He needs to be evaluated by someone with the skills to assess if he is acting out aggressively because of untreated ADHD, ODD, regular anxiety, or autism-specific irritability because the medication treatments are different. This is beyond what most general pediatricians are trained to do. It will be helpful to the doctor to have a release of information form signed allowing them to speak with school staff who can explain the triggers for these aggressive outbursts. That may help narrow down which issues are causing the aggression. I hope you are able to get your precious son the relief he (and you) need.