ADHD help: Hi, my son is 7 and has ADHD... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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ADHD help

11 Replies

Hi, my son is 7 and has ADHD. He was diagnosed about 4 months ago. He is currently not on medication. I’m looking for suggestions on how to deal with his nonstop energy. I find myself losing my patience and then I feel badly. I just don’t know how to get him to settle when I need him to. What works for you?

11 Replies
Darinea profile image

I am 15 and have ADHD and I take medication. I found that it was easier to focus when I am on medication.

CaringDadof3 profile image
CaringDadof3 in reply to Darinea

Thanks for your advice. What type of medication did you find helps you the most

Darinea profile image
Darinea in reply to CaringDadof3

I take Dexamphetamine in the morning and Catapres at night. This works the best for me. But it is different for different people. Ask his doctor about medication and what he or she thinks is best for your son.

CaringDadof3 profile image
CaringDadof3 in reply to Darinea

Thank you for the advice

Darinea profile image
Darinea in reply to CaringDadof3

No problem

JennErinJordan profile image

I have a 7 year old son too that was diagnosed during Christmas time and we had a really hard time making the medicine decision but our doctor had us keep a log that helped us see how many times we yelled at him in a day and it was amazing how much he was getting in trouble. He was always in trouble and we didn't even realize it until we kept a log. Before we made the decision to medicate we made sure he understood that he had ADHD and would need to try to help train his brain to not act so quickly but think before he did something. With that said nothing helped like the medicine. It made a world of difference and he was still our son but just able to think a second before he made a decision. I would recommend making sure he is part of understanding what is going on with him and an active decision maker in the process.

CaringDadof3 profile image
CaringDadof3 in reply to JennErinJordan

That’s awesome. My house is a disaster right now and just a constant learning experience. I have 2 other daughters younger and older so I’m trying not to give my daughter with the issues more attention then the other two. What medicine did you end up giving your son?

JennErinJordan profile image
JennErinJordan in reply to CaringDadof3

He started on Vyvance which was really great, I couldn't tell the difference really so we kept the log on the weekend and my husband and I realized my 7 year old had not fought with his brother once or gotten in trouble the whole weekend. Also the school could totally tell and said it helped him stay seated and focused during the school hours but kept him personality in tact. We did have a side effect with Vyvance which was he got emotional like crying if he missed a shot in basketball which was not our son so we switched to concerta and that has helped too and no crying.

CaringDadof3 profile image
CaringDadof3 in reply to JennErinJordan

Ok, I really appreciate it. I quit my job a little over a month ago to help concentrate on her problems more but I also lost my insurance and really can’t follow through with anything at the moment which makes me sad because it was the whole point of leaving. Hopefully I start working again soon or get health insurance so I can try those medicines you suggested

CaringDadof3 profile image

I haven’t quite found anything that works for me yet. My patience is wearing out also and I try to pray constantly but that’s about it

Grandma01 profile image

Hi and welcome. My advise for the energy is to find him a recreation sport to join, once or twice a week. Unplug the tv , put the tablet out of reach, encourage outside play as much as possible.

My grandson was on meds but we could get him to swallow the pill, but he a overwhelming support at school with a weighted vest and numerous sensory breaks and other things and seems to be holding him own. He has karate at least twice a week and swing class once a week. Every warm day we get I encourage him to go outside a play. On cold days he gets tv time and whatever else to keep him from climbing the walls.

Try local recreation center and other activities a library.

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