Hello everyone I just wanted to quickly come through and slay you some info based on my 16 plus years with raising an adhder son diagnosed at age 7 and recently about a year or so being diagnosed with ADult ADHD myself. I can tell you this, I can understand now what our children go through. Wow It's a day to day struggle if not controlled. Magic word control !!! Guess what moms it is possible to get it under control. Listen, before you can do anything for your child besides being the burden that causes him to be a beast. I mean lets call a spade a spade.
My son before things got under control and before I decided to include medicine in his treatment he acted so out of control. When he got mad he would roar almost like an animal. So my self care was crucial in areas of mentally, physically and spiritually. I thought I would go crazy so I was frustrated so was he and we would go at it like 2 adults. The screaming matches were unbearable. Until God sent me an angel who was my supervisor when I was a social work assistant in a pre school special needs school for 2 years. Once she put me on the right path, I made sure I researched ADHD on my own and that was my ammunition to fight and advocate for my son needs.
My son is now 18, in college and working part-time. He is no longer on meds. That was his decision. As a young man I still advise him to know his triggers and shortcomings so he makes logical decisions conducive to his well being. So moms care for yourself while you care for your child. Remember you cannot be all frustrated around them because those feelings will transfer to him/her bringing out the worst. My son hated for you to scream at him. He would cover his ears actually at loud noises period. That's a normal reaction with Adhders. So do your due diligence and make sure you take care you and get support you need, spend quality time with yourself, get a message every now and then. I heard even exercise helps. I wish I had me when my child was young to help me help myself. From 2yrs old to diagnosis I lived in hell. I was married but men most times go into denial. They refuse to acknowledge something is wrong with their sons. So expect that but I pray married woman wouldn't have to go through that part. Unfortunately some husbands just don't and won't support. It's a man thing.
The moral of this post is to tell my moms raising children with ADHD is that you are a great mom, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Pay no attention to those women who try to tell you how to raise your child. If they do not have an ADHD diagnosed child then they need to go take several seats and mind their business. Our children struggle with task and things that would seem so easy to the average child.
Problem is our children are unique not average and they can grow up to be a asset to society like my son. However the way you function and care for yourself and him will determine the life he will lead.
So again take care yourself 1st, equip yourself with knowledge of ADHD and the educational system and always be 3 steps ahead of the game. You got this because God got you, thats why he sent me to encourage and empower you moms to snatch your life back. You cannot slay in advocacy for your child all busted and disgusted. (Throwing the Mic)
I am Kisha J McRae
I'm on face book as Kisha Johnson for any one who would like to engage with me on another platform. God bless you all.