I seem to be thinking a lot about shoes at the moment, having realised that my walking feet seem to need much more flexibility these days than my current walking/hiking boots give them.
And I only started walking with my running shoes quite recently. I don’t know why I didn’t realise that before, but I have much less aches in my legs and back when I walk with my running shoes. Amazing how we still discover new things of how to treat our bodies, even after quite a few decades of walking in this world!
My mind is also circling around the topic of shoes, as before Christmas I wanted to buy a road shoe, as I only have a trail shoe. I did the research, spent hours on the internet, came back to Altras, chose the Paradigms but they were too big and so I sent them back. They also felt so much less flexible and that made me realise that from the adverts I cannot quite tell which shoe has a hard sole (is that the same as “supportive shoe”? “Cushioned”? “Dynamic”?) and which has a flexible sole (“responsive”? “Light”?).
The more I look into the subject of shoes, the more I realise I know nothing!
How did I ever survive choosing shoes in the past! 😱🤣
So I listened to another instalment of the podcast “IMMORTAL SOLES” about the history of shoes. It doesn’t help me with current shoe-choice dilemmas but it was certainly interesting.
Picture is of medieval crakow shoe on wooden platforms (elevating the walker above the dirt and sludge) , thought to be one of the predecessors of the high heel!
So let me know if I’m not alone in finding shoe shopping a nightmare, and what are your tips to safely navigate any shoe-shopping conundrums?
Immortal Soles Podcast (Jared and Nick Walker) immortalsolespodcast.com
Immortal Soles Podcast (Jared and Nick Walker) immortalsolespodcast.com
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