walk with copd: where do I start - Active 10

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walk with copd

suej2251961 profile image
6 Replies

where do I start

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suej2251961 profile image
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6 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Slowly!, and I'm not being flippant. Any exercise including walking must start of at a very comfortable pace to allow you body to adjust and let you get to know your own limits. Unfortunately it isn't one size fits all when getting back to exercise. Are you doing any walking at the moment? If so how much? If it isn't any then start off with a ten min walk out the door. Turn round at 5 min and come home. Any time during that walk if it feels too much turn home. Go at a very easy pace, don't try and rush it. I know when your nervous it feels easier to pick the pace up but this will tire you out more quickly. It is better to do less at the beginning and save some for another day. When your just starting off give yourself a rest day in between so you can access how your feeling from the walk. As you get more used to the walking you don't need to do this so much unless it's a mega big walk for you. Please keep coming back On Here and let us know how your getting on, your not alone and many of us have started at a similar position to you for a variety of reasons.

suej2251961 profile image
suej2251961 in reply to Realfoodieclub

oh thanks so much for ya message I do I mean I will take all ya said onboard I promise I'm not ready to let this thing copd take over yet .I have just lost my dad in November to it and then in april I got told I have it but whot I don't understand is how does exercise help my lungs I no it works some lung muscle I'm not sure to be honest I got told and since then not one person has got intouch I have to do it myself.i got a appointment at breathing spece but I didn't go cos I'm scared cos I'm still smocking my spelling is crap I no soz so ya see I'm a 56 year old copd suffer and a coward to add to my list of illnesses.thanks thou for ya post suexxx

runswithdogs profile image

Welcome. As RFC says, start small, start easy. Little walks of just a couple of minutes can be a real foundation to build upon.

Welcome to our walking group! It's so HARD to stop smoking! I did it 3 years ago now, and it's one of the hardest things I've ever done. It may help you to know how I managed. I am now a non-smoker, but I do vape - which the doctors say is perfectly ok. I started by smoking and vaping at the same time - I'd have a cig and then the next time I'd have a vape instead - so for a good few months I was smoking 10 cigs a day instead of 20. Then I started having a cig and then the next 2 times I vaped - and I started buying packets of 10 cigarettes, so I wouldn't be tempted to smoke more than I'd planned. Eventually, over a period of about 6 months I was making that packet of 10 last 3 days. But smokers have that inbuilt fear of stopping completely! What got me to finally switch to only vaping was the day I had only 1 cig in the box and the weather was absolutely foul! I didn't feel up to going out to buy more, so I decided to vape all day, saving the 1 cig for the evening - or if I got desperate! By the time evening came, I was so impressed with myself that I never smoked that last cig! I knew I could go without cigarettes. I still have that last cig! It took me a little while to find a vape liquid that I liked the taste of, and I could not stop vaping now - it's my crutch - but the doctors seem happy with that! Well done on making the decision to improve your health, and good luck on your journey!

suej2251961 profile image

wow whot a great story and I NO I will try this the way you have .

marc1966uk profile image

im also a COPD sufferer walked for 6 months lost over 3 stones walking one day i coyldn't breathe and felt bloated went to hospital was diagnosed with pneumonia had to rest for 3 weeks im back to walking now day 2 could i have caught pneumonia with ovetr exerting myself with too much walking ? any replys will be greatfully recieved.

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