I came to the UK to get help for my stepson who has mental health issues that were constantly dividing the family negatively. I had a breakdown a little more than a year ago which landed my inpatient psychiatric care for nearly a month. As things broke down further, it became necessary to do something to get him out of the situation and try to bring him up to a companionable level to the other kids and the rest of the family. I left Berlin with the 2 youngest, came here, got the boys in schools, found an apartment and started getting help at the Claybrook Center. After we arrived in the UK, my husband stopped his therapy for anti-social behavior and became more emotionally abusive than I was used to. After a series of ultimatum's he dropped me.
Since then, I've managed to hang on and got through the suicidal phase by living for my children who are both here with me in London now. Our situation is falling apart and because of all the holes in "the system" in America (where I'm from), Germany (where I married) and The UK, I'm a resident of nowhere so I have no money, no support and don't qualify for them anywhere where I can get to on account of other abuses committed towards me.
Does anybody know any organizations for women who fall between the cracks whose lives are in the hands of mental health care?