Why cant people just back off????
am i better off dead ???
can i do it ???
Why cant people just back off????
am i better off dead ???
can i do it ???
Don't know your situation are you on any mess our getting ang kind of help.if not you would need to go back to the doctor.hard I know cause I feel same if my therapy doesnt work don't know what I'll do. Hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Ok I guess Yourself? and I will do that thanks
Hi there,
Just saw your post, are you feeling any better? I have been where you are just now and I know how awful it is and how the dispare and hoplessness just closes in on you. But it wont be like that forever, yeah you will at times feel like that but you will get to the stage where it isnt every second of everyday. I had to tap into the help of the mental health team and try loads a meds. I am still on medication 8years later and I prob always will be but it helps and that is what matters. Try and find something that will help you, your doctor can refer you to a CPN who will meet with you as often as you need them to to help support you and maybe offer a brefriending service to help you get out and about and even help you get your shopping done. Any support is good and you deserve it, cos you do matter and you are NOT better of dead. And I want you to believe that, okay?
Feel free to message me anytime, I am here okay. I have gone through it and yeah still struggle but I have seen a way out and there will be one for you too.
NO sue please don't feel helpless you been a great help with advice and suggestions and I thank you for that. If i was to tell you I be here all day lol
Just right now for me everyday is a total struggle for me don't feel I can do anything you said "yes you can do it" response "I hope so" :)xx