Self-harmed myself a few days back. It all zeroes down to one question WHY THE FCK AM I SUCH A LOSER?....I was bullied for 5 by both my parents and high school for my actions and lean body physique. I still dont know why my parents are so dissapointed on me , i never fooled around never partied no drugs no complain from school got decent grades yet a few days back my dad called me a loser.
self harm: Self-harmed myself a few... - Above & Beyond - ...
self harm

Hi hope you are okay. Don't ever think you are a loser . You are not , my parents were also disappointed with me when I was growing up. I was called a nuisance and dumb by my dad . As I am very sensitive I took it to heart . I'm sure you have many good qualities and you can go far in life , sometimes the person saying these things doesn't realise the impact it has on us . Are you in a position to tell your dad how it has made you feel and to ask him not to be so blunt . I wish I had put my dad straight when I was younger .please get help as far as self harm goes , nobody ever has the right to make us feel that bad about ourselves. I'm sure you are intelligent and could go on to have a happy life. I wish you all the best x

thank you , the fact that u replied is a blessed moment for me.I live in a conservative area where emotions are for pus*ys and strong behaviour or somthing like that are admired by all . There are no hotlines here or any help centre.
Hi where abouts do you live . I'm in the uk . It's sad to think there is no help nowhere for you to access . People are hard work aren't they , but try and realise they are no better than you really. Who do these people think they are for God sake . How old are you and are you Male or female. You take care and message me whenever you need a chat

male and 18
You are not a loser. YOU ARE IN SO MUCH PAIN, AND I'M SENDING OUT A HUG. YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE LOVED. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Being young and in high school (I believe you're in high school) is tough as shit. You're juggling finding yourself, depression and you're parents who suck. I know the feeling. My father was physically and mentally abusive and my mom was in her own world. Now, that I'm older I see it had nothing to do with me, but their own shit. It still made my life hell, but now that I'm older, I stand up for myself when it comes to them. I found a new family in the friends that I made throughout my life. I thought the little bubble I was in was it. When I graduated, there was an entire world out there. When you leave high school, you will be able to find your tribe. Therapy is important. Also, when you want to cut, is it possible to redirect yourself to something you like? I love horses and that was a way to redirect myself. Mucking stalls and petting the horses helped me. Listen, I can't tell you enough, YOU ARE WORTHY AND LOVED.. You don't see it now, but life won't always be like this. When you think it is, think of me, the lady that went through what you did, and things will change.
Sweetheart please believe me your are not the loser, it your dad that's the loser. What a fucking toss pot he is, people like him can only feel good about themself when their making someone else feel bad,