Humans are complex beings, to say the least; And as such, if something goes wrong mentally, it tends to create a mental ripple effect doesn’t it? Causing things like emotional and behavioural changes, and what not. My past experiences for example, I fell for someone, happiest I’ve ever been, then they cheated on me with my best mate, and then I went through one of the darkest times in my life, depression, suicidal tendencies, the whole nine yards. I got past it eventually, but a feeling of emptiness still lingered, even now, so how much good can counselling or medication do really? I know for a fact that counselling can only go so far, I’ve seen a few psychiatrists, and they tend to analyse what they see, not what’s below, as for medication, well, I don’t think I could ever accept myself if I had to rely on medication just to make me see things in a different light, or forget about all my problems. Why is it that our pain is so taboo, who’s to say that pain can’t be a part of who we are, yeah we have days where it hurts but, if we can’t learn from pain then what’s going to stop us from experiencing it all over again? I don’t know anymore, everything feels so pointless, so I’m going to be leaving this website, permanently, I’ve spoken to some people who I could relate to on some level but the only people who can help us are our ourselves, because we’re the only ones who truly understand what’s going on in our heads. I hope everyone here finds what they need, goodbye, and good luck.
A midnight farewell.: Humans are... - Above & Beyond - ...
A midnight farewell.

Hi Raidriar
I do hope you don't leave this site but if you find You have made your decision then we will be sad to see you go and I do hope you find solace for yourself aswell.being cheating on literally rips you apart and completely changes you as a person aswell.i was cheated on and it literally destroyed me..I was quite confident before but have no confidence whatsoever now at all.i also have very low self esteem can't take any compliments at all as I feel worthless and useless to anyone and I don't trust easily and I have a huge wall up to protect myself I'm also emotionless too I've become too tough now like I don't have any feelings at all...I'm also a paranoid person which I never where before at Yeh it knocks you off your feet and the wind out of you..You pick yourself up eventually but you never forget the feelings and the pain you went through but sadly it changes you for your next relationship if you ever have one I do hope you are doing well after your experience and know you are not alone in this
Take care nat