help: hi. i m 16 and i m bored to death... - Above & Beyond - ...

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i m 16 and i m bored to death of my life.

To be onest i hate it.

it s not like i m an abused chiald or anything. on the contrary i have the best possible life a teenager can have.

Loving family, good education, friends, nice enviorment, everything is in my favor at this point. But i guess thats the problem.

I m just bored of all this, it just doesen t make sence. i know everything that will happen to me in the future. i was so bored of my own life that i mapped out in my minde every possibility of succes or failure that i might or might not have.

Lately i haven t talked to my friends that much. we didnt fight or anything its just i lost interest. just like before.

I used to have other friends but i lost interest in them too so i made them hate me so they would leave me alone and so they would think it was there choise and impolse to leave. m i a bad person?

i don t have a hobbie. i did but like with everything else i lost interest. i can sing, dance, ride a bike, a skateboard, rolarblades pink pong, tennis, swim, i took actor classes or whatever there called, i can sew, drow and so on. even tried other languages. everything was nice before i got good and then because i got good at the things i did i lost interest. kind of like "oh i know i can do it so why bother"

i always felt like i was missing something. and i still am. what should i do. sloly i ve started to loose my feelings. it s wierd.

i dont feel blame and i m sloly starting to lose compation. i ve onely noticed a few months ago.

i can t stay angry eather witch is wierd. i get angry at someone and in 5 minuts.. pwf. gone. just like that.

i guess it s a good thing cause i can think more clearly but still.

it s getting boring.

some might say i m missing love.

that s not it. i tried it. i tried having a crush on someone. it worked 1 week.

after i spent some time with my crush i could tell the person was starting to like me. but by the time that happend i already figured out the personality. it was easy to know what wold probably get him eangry or sad and everything abot the way my crush would act around and with me. and guess what?

i lost interest again.

so if anyone has a magic solution then by all means procide in helping my noble cause.

ps hope my eanglish was ok

3 Replies
Valerierenee profile image

Hi! I COMPLETELY understand. I know this might not help and I’m sorry I don’t have the answer and if I did I would share it for the both of us. I’ve felt this way all my life and recently things have flipped and gone crazy and I don’t know what I hated more. But I at least wanted you to know that there is someone else who can relate. I’ve lacked that feeling of relating to someone all my life and it was nice to hear this. So idk where this is going but thank you for sharing and I really do hope things get better.

Sandy129 profile image

Hi. Can totally relate to your situation. It’s a very dark place and basically you have to find your happy. Took a very long time personally and it was a long winding road. Though not quite where I should be life is getting more tickety boo as decided I wasn’t going to let the darkness get the better of me. Been through hell for many years in a nutshell to the extent I couldn’t see a way out. But being positive and realising that life could be far far worse helps put things in perspective abit. You have to find the things and outlook that gives you an incentive then the better days will outweigh the bad and yes it’s about balance. Life throws hurdles on a daily basis cos that’s life sometimes! You’ve taken the right step already by voicing your feelings on here and know that the man or woman standing next to you at a bus stop for example may look happy on the outside but are probably wearing a mask to hide it well. If you aren’t happy about something then my advice is to change it. It has to come from you.

This person is an asshole who is posting under an email that is not theirs. U need to look in to Hkjjbhkkj.

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