Hi, I'm new here and I just feel that I need to tell my story to people... I am in depression now, I am taking medication.
I'm coming a non-educated and rather poor family, but I decided as a young child that my education and career was the most important thing in my life. I was bright and talented in many things, as a child. I decided to go to University in Physics. It was though because I was the only girl in the courses and I have a very low self-confidence. Anyhow, I succeeded very well. I decided to pursue a master's degree, in the same small university where I did my bachelor (I'm from Canada, sorry for my English I'm francophone). This is where my depression began. I felt stupid and worthless. I got my degree but I still have the feeling that my work was lacking quality... After my master's I had a few phD opportunities, even some in Switzerland, but I declined because my mom, which was also my best friend and psychiatrist, got bone cancer. She died recently. I tried to find a job with my physics education, without any success. I recently got enrolled into another bachelor in computer science. It is going well, but I am still very depressed, sometimes suicidal. I am feeling like I worked all my life, studied very hard in complicated science, for nothing. I am feeling like a failure when I am comparing myself to other students I see . I do have some interests, for my future career, sometimes I am daydreaming about this...I am still reading some books to improve myself, but when my depression kicks in, I am afraid all of this will never be rewarding... ... my life sucks really. By the way, I am 26.