for a long time i was very depressed, couldn't get out of bed etc.. eventually things started to get better and i thought that would just be the end of that, but now its like my mood constantly changes dramatically all the time.. ill usually be feeling pretty good when i first wake up but then after a couple of hours my mood will start to change dramatically its like one second i'm happy and the next i'm extremely angry and irritable or extremely depressed and my moods just constantly changing. i also have trouble sleeping, i have no appetite for days and then just binge like crazy and i have been told i tend to act very crazy especially at night and idk if theres osmething wrong with me or not and if so what?
is there something wrong with me?.. - Above & Beyond - ...
is there something wrong with me?..
sounds like you are easily getting discontented. Please try and work on a more humble mindset and start learning to put up with things either you don't like or getting annoyed with ie try to remain content. Life is full of this sort of stuff, its that older people have got used to it and live with it. Younger people have to go through these difficult times to build up their character.
Perhaps it might be better to break down each day at a time - at the end of the day have a think what triggered the negative emotions to start? Is there anything you could have done or thought differently to at least put off/delay the negative. You might be giving in too easily to negative thinking, DON'T ALWAYS TRUST WHAT YOUR MIND/EMOTIONS ARE TELLING YOU, they can vastly exaggerate.
Do you take much interest in other people, particularly in what they say or what interests them, or do you get bored with their views?, perhaps work at being a better listener and aim to be more outward looking rtaher than at your own weaknesses- might be painful/uncomfortable but pursue it and the penny will start to drop.
good luck,
dear Jazz89
so sorry and sad to read your "story"/circumstances . I know how you feel because I was and still am exactly in the same "mess" as you . Except I suspect I am older than you (certainly not wiser to my deep regret) and I suffer from chronic depression and worsening too for half of the year! No its not some silly competiton and I so much wish we could both one day (soon please!) look back and smile and say " I survive." or better " what the hell was I depressed for?" .
Waking up is the worst bit . You wish somebody would rough you up out of bed and kick you out prompt. I find that not only do I sleep too much (over 9 or 10 hours) but worse, the more I sleep the more I want to sleep ! A bit like the more a prson drinks the more the terrible craving & addiction . I too have quickly changing and extreme moods (in spite of my antipressants which are supposed to lift my moods! Hell!) I tried a few times to stop taking my various antidepressants (tried 3 or 4 over 20 years) and found out to my dismay I was feeling seriously suicidal , not to mention constantly crying and going crazy as you say .
You don't sleep well? Try camomile/lavender/lindenflowers/valerian/hops tea (several cups 1 or 2 hours before bedtime) Try massage with essential oils like lavender and camomile after a long warm/hot bath before bedtime. Try to listen to some soothing calming music(like classical or meditation music) and definitely no tele, no constant chatting or viewing and checking on mobile phone, social medis and the Internet . You want something to help you wind down not up !
My appetite is poor or non existent . Something to do with
the cold weather, feeling lazy and just not bothering about food since I live on my own . What is maddening is that I am still alive, still able to move and even go out . True I am getting more absent-minded (you too?) so I may still have some happy car or street accident .
Know that you are not alone and no, you are not crazy or weak or stupid like some people may make you feel or think .
Hopefully all this will pass but you may have to be very patient and reasonable .
Take care. Please send me a reply and feel free to tell me everything or anything as long as this makes you feel better .