Hi, I'm a 16 year old in school at the moment. In Florida. I come from a family of doctors and engineers. But I am an artist, which really doesn't help. Recently, and I mean like a few days ago. I feel as if my mind is going crazy and I'm...losing control?
You see, I'm a person madly in love with the idea of space exploration. I first wanted to become a forensic scientist but then started to think, that I don't want my life to be boring. I started feeling lonely, that when I would die, nobody would remember me. I would be forgotten. I decieded that I'd work everyday of my life to become and astronaut, so I'll be able to go to space one day. I wanted to go to space because I didn't wanna die without actually seeing the world that's been put in front of me. I have watched a lot of movies based on space that interest me madly. Gravity, interstellar, and the Martian are my favourite of them all. I watched the trailer for the space between us # 2. And because of the amazing adventure displayed in the movie, I really felt as if my life is...really...ordinary. I felt as if I've already lost the chance to fix my life and make something of myself. I want to see the earth at night from space. And that is the only reason I'd become an astronaut, and I'd work years to do it. But in the past 5 days I've been thinking about nothing but space, that movie, NASA, and the ISS. I watch the world and see how we are so lost in our personal lives that I wish I could just fly away from all of this. I begin to cry now, really easily. I get this specific feeling, that is lost and I've got nothing to offer the world. And I feel as if people doubt me, and think I would never be able to do it. But I want this more than anything I've ever wanted in my life. The idea that there is so much out there and we are stuck on a small speck of sand on a whole beach we have yet to explore kills me. I..I just don't want to die without actually living. There was this time, since I live in Florida, there was a ship that launched from cape caneveral in Florida and I saw it 6am while going to school. I remember how amazing that felt to see it, how amazing it felt to be that excited about something that only lasted 3 minutes. I want to feel that way the rest of my life, I wanna feel alive and in control of me. I want to see everything.