This is me: any help to stop cutting? Please feel free to comment any advice, help or just a general comment below.
Depression and self harm: please help! - Above & Beyond - ...
Depression and self harm: please help!
Hi Asha
You seem to have posted a number of calls for help over the last few hours and a lot of people have replied with very good advice.
I have nothing to add to that advice other than to suggest you perhaps take a few deep breaths and look back over the actions people suggest, and decide which one you can try. It doesn't really matter which one you go for - just taking any action will help.
good luck
I would reach out and speak to someone about why you want to self-harm! Then to control the urge I would put ice, or doodle over where you want to do it! If you're doing it out of anger, I would punch something and break it (some people would say that's bad advice but I know it works for me!)
dont harm your self
and do what ever you think is best for you
its really bad to harm your self
take care