Is there any cream that can help ? Should I feel sore all the time ?
vaginal soreness: Is there any cream that... - Women's Health
vaginal soreness

You need to know what's causing it before trying to treat it.
Yes I know but I cannot find out what is causing it been to doctors they blamed trush in the past but cannot be that all the time?

Ask your GP for something like this:
Maybe postpone your examintion for a week or two till it's working, then the scrmmaging around your yoni might be less painfull.
Thank you badhare but I think I want to get it over with as wont get another appointment until December I have waited who weeks .
Something to ask about at the appointment then, for when you next need to go.
I saw a good female doctor who suggested this after she made me cry, so I know it helps. I went on to use oral HRT which has been marvellous for me, so maybe ask about that, too. There are bio-identical HRTs with progesterone gel & oestrogen tablets which are systemically better, though I have a preference for a synthetic brand I tried first.
Hi I had really bad symptoms and was told by chemist probably thrush and to use Canestan . I was then advised by a lady it might be bacterial vaginosis so went to my gp who dismissed it immediately as she said there was no smell. However I insisted she took a swab and it was bv which antibiotics cleared - 6 months later it’s back so I will have to be retested again.
Thank you for this . The strange is thing is the swabs come back with nothing other than normal . I am so upset I didn't take appointment today as have to wait until end of week but this is life. My dr said it could be BV but with clear swabs I don't get how it could be ? No idea what it is want a second look for different doctors . Best wishes