This is my first post in this community so I hope I have chosen the right one and it’s in the right place. If not, feel free to point me in the direction of another forum
I am 28, I had my first smear 3 years ago at 25. It was horrific. It was the process itself, but I experienced sexual abuse as a child so it was incredibly traumatic and led to such a decline in my mental health that I was sectioned.
I’ve had my ‘invite’ for my next smear. I am absolutely terrified. I booked an appt with a female doctor to talk it through and she was very understanding and prescribed some diazepam and booked a double appt with her and a nurse to have it done. I took the diazepam before the appt but didn’t end up going. I booked another appt and the same happened and I cancelled that morning.
Periods are problematic for me as I have PCOS as well as the emotional side that comes with having to deal with that part of my body so often, which is usually left well alone. So when I saw the GP we discussed having the coil fitted to stop my periods, which would be done when I had the smear.
I’ve since had another appt with her and she’s referred me to gynaecology to discuss possibly having both the smear & the coil fitted under general anaesthetic. This is not something I have heard of before and there’s absolutely no information what so ever about it online. She did say in the referral to not bother sending me an appt if it is t something they’d consider doing, but I got an appt letter through yesterday morning for 1st October and to say I am petrified is an understatement. I know this is going to be an appt in which I have to discuss unpleasant and potentially distressing things. I am going to ask my mental health worker if she can come with me to the appt as I’m not sure I will make it by myself.
Has anyone had a smear done under general anaesthetic before? What was it like? How long were you asleep for?
Sorry for the long post but as I said, there’s nothing online about it. I don’t know what to expect.