Victims: - Weight Loss Support

Oh wow! LosingGame. NPR radio had that same topic on this afternoon! It's apparently a global problem. We're just as bad in the U S. Apparently a lot of physicians are still chalking it up to laziness and bad lifestyles.
By making a compliant and giving your feedback against the doctor and advocacy for new reforms in healthcare. Sometimes the doctor's behavior is so arrogant and biased that they think that everybody coming in has no qualification, no knowledge and no experience. But, in fact they themself lack information about a lot of things other then their own specialty. A top gynecologist may fail to answer a simple urology concern. All Doctors don't have proper education about nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle unless they take interest in it. Due to their lack of time, awareness, patronizing attitude and personal biases it becomes very difficult for the patients to work with the doctor.