I started a diet 3 days ago for my health but mainly cause my fella got fatty liver disease and I need to encourage him to eat well. I've gave up smoking to and thou I'm motivated I can sometimes feel down that I can't eat the things I love cause its literally killing my fella 😭😭
Dieting: I started a diet 3 days ago for... - Weight Loss Support

Good on you for quitting smoking and helping your fella, would you like to join our weigh in today? Here's the link, I hope to see you there! x
What sort of diet are you and your fella on?
We just eating healthy cutting out greasy foods n sweetie things

So low fat, lots of pasta, rice and bread?
I think that is the diet that causes fatty liver.
But I am not a doctor. David Unwin is.
And the paper described is from a peer reviewed journal
Wow that is shocking. We only found out Friday he's got to see a liver specialist I'm guessing they will give him dietary advice then

Yeah, they will. I am not sure if it will be good advice or not.
If you look at what diet the NHS advises for NAFLD, you will see it is the opposite of what Dr Unwin is prescribing. It's the diet the NHS has been pushing since the 70s, while obesity has gone from 6% to nearly 30%, diabetes has become an epidemic and liver disease deaths have quadrupled britishlivertrust.org.uk/ab...
It's the diet that made me obese, probably caused me the damage that will ultimately kill me. I was pushed onto this diet by an ironically morbidly obese consultant, who was judgmental when I said I had trouble losing weight, and it was reinforced by a team of nutritionists. I followed that diet for months, without losing a kilogram. It was only switching from the NHS recommended "Eat Well Guide" diet to low carb, that I rid myself of all the biomarkers of CVD that can be removed - age, ethnicity, family history etc we are stuck with; but waist, BMI, blood sugar, blood pressure all dropped to normal
The other cure for NAFLD I have seen is fasting. Google Jason Fung and NAFLD to learn more.
But it's likely your heptologist will tell you to stick to the grain based carb diet, and 3 meals a day + snacks.
I'm a stranger on the internet. I will happily tell you I am an IT consultant, and not a medical expert. You should not take medical advice from strangers on the internet. You should listen to your doctors. The caveat to that is the above quoted rises in metabolic diseases happened under that high carb/low fat diet.
What would I do with that diagnosis? Listen to Dr Fung, and fast, then get a second liver test. I would research the low carb approaches, read the papers, and if I was recommended a different approach, ask to see the peer reviewed studies.
It's possible I would recognise at that point I was wrong and get on board.
I doubt I would be convinced, because this high carb diet is clearly killing us.
It's late, and I am ranting. My point is really look at the science that suggest the NHS approach is wrong. If you see a problem, talk to your consultant about it. Ask to see the research that backs their approach. Ask how many patients following their advice have gone into remission. Etc. Own our diagnosis, and understand your treatment.
I sadly think the NHS is killing us. Concensus isn't how science works, but is what is pushing the low fat/high carb diet.

Hello and welcome SwiftKey.
I am not sure what kind of eating plan your are following at the moment. Is this something that your GP or hospital has recommended?
Changing what you eat can help with both weight loss and health, so everything you do will improve things for both of you.
I see you have been invited to join today's Weigh In, which will be a great place for you to go and receive and give encouragement to everyone today. Please do take a look at the Pinned Posts where there is all the information you need to find your way around the Forum, and all kinds of helpful articles on the latest advice on healthy eating and the best ways to lose weight.
One of the other Admins has just supplied me with some specific links which might help you in planning eating around fatty liver disease. Technical issues for me mean I have to do a separate reply to send these to you - so watch out for these below.
Wishing you all the best.

Here are some links - sorry they will be individual messages as I am working across platforms that will not recognise each other.

Hi. Well done deciding to tackle health issues by changing your diet. Your liver specialist is the best person to put your on the right path re how to change your diet. I had fatty liver disease diagnosed mainly from a full review of all the nhs blood tests, including a liver function test and obviously I was overweight as well. My test results went back to normal after cutting right down on alcohol and restricting saturated fats in my diet. I followed the advice on the nhs 12 week plan. Good luck. You can do this as you sound highly motivated.
Wow thank you for that yes I'm following the NHS 12 week plan to and saturated fats are definitely off the menu but he needs food ideas I've no idea where to look n it could be weeks before he sees the liver specialist 😔

Have you managed to watch the two video's above? You will see that both suggest that you cut out white carbs, such as bread, rice, pasta, potato and follow a Low Carb High Fat diet.
There are no end of wonderful, easy meals to cook on the DietDoctor site
There are just so many choices and it costs nothing. Why not go along and have a look.
You could also use the Daily Diary, you can find it in pinned posts or events , to share your menu's and to find some inspiration from other members