Could we be a little kinder to people on here when they join and not criticise them over a silly thing like a name. Suggesting they change it is not practical advice. If IwantLove is a negative name then so is Sofajockey (who joined in the attack) which implies that all you do is sit on the sofa all day. I sure hope the poor guy hasn't left. Been a member here for a while but people can be so judgemental.
Don't Criticize: Could we be a little... - Weight Loss Support
Don't Criticize
It's not unusual to suggest a change of username in the case of one that sounds negative or one that may be misunderstood. It's not a requirement that someone change (unless the name is offensive): some do, some don't. It's very simple to do, by clicking on one's avatar and selecting Settings.
I'm surprised by your suggestion that 'SofaJockey' is a negative name, it's a name I've used for well over a decade and has nothing to do with weight-loss, nor was it picked specifically for this forum. It relates to my e-sports hobby, which I actively do (like a jockey) on my sofa. 😊
I suspect I'm guilty of a little snark in response to the poster flying off the handle. I often see people posting for 'help' and enjoy reading the kind and helpful suggestions that many regulars contribute (and which I've benefited from). It's a little galling when help freely offered is complained about, or ignored. (their choice, but even so)
I personally didn't find the comment about the name change to be in any way offensive or problematic. Granted, we're all individuals, and forums are a medium notorious for misunderstandings.
I hope the original poster that triggered this conversation finds the practical advice and kind support they are looking for (it's certainly here to be had on this forum). We've all been there.
I thought that's what you meant I'm sure your name keeps you feeling positive but it's up to you, if you fancy a change. You can only change twice so do give it some thought
It might not be understood by all but sometimes we have Spammers on here and sometimes people who come here more to seek others for inappropriate messaging than weight loss (kind of "fishing") and part of the Admin role is to try and minimise all those exploitative scenarios happening. The queried previous name was open to being misinterpreted by others who might not have wanted to reply at all lest it be construed as encouraging interest and the wrong kind of response from someone possibly needy etc.
That is sad when there are also excellent chances a person has no such intention of that kind of behaviour but people often prefer to play safe. To be frank, if I hadn't been an Admin, I wouldn't have replied at all to the original post today.
Unfortunately names can convey far more than we might think they will and the Admins' role is to seek a balance between protecting members on our site, querying where things could be risky, leaving healthy debate alone and/or intervening. Being questioned is healthy and I'm all for that although deciding when to reply again and again and when to butt out isn't always easy to fathom. Anyhow it's been a long day and my overgrown hedge calls- it wants a trim badly! Thanks everyone for a very engaging day on the Forum ,lots of food for thought , lots of weight lost and increasingly, lots of both new members who get stuck into Weigh Ins and use of Daily Dairy early on and others who have been on the site ages but not 'spoken ' before on WL and now are chipping in and sharing experiences: it's a fantastic smorgasbord to learn from!!🤗
I think your username is really nice. Much better than a negative sounding name.
People are finding it hard enough trying to get healthy it's not right for people to make things harder by being so petty be happy everyone the world is hard enough at the moment do make it harder still
I love your name, it makes me smile when l see it. Thank you.
I don't know what you are talking about. I have not sent any response to any one regarding their name. With all due respect get your facts right before accusing.
Oh dear not seen those posts but not nice, hope everyone ok
No keep it happyman nice to see and hopefully will inspire you to be happy
LOL here's to the beach bodies.
Glad your feeling better about things we are going.g through very strange times at the moment and need to keep positive. Someone said to me my craftyname could be taken as me being being crafty in other sense and I said if.i wasn't crafty I in borh senses I'd end up as crazyperson !!!! LOL