Guys how do you beat the after work crash ? I do a lot of walking for work but nothing that gets my heart rate up so been trying to workout when I get home but I’m shattered. I even tried to do it before work and I’m tired then too 😂 I can’t win
Lack of energy : Guys how do you beat... - Weight Loss Support
Lack of energy

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Maybe try a different tactic. Can you walk in your lunch hour? Could you do some resistance exercises on a work day? Any exercise has to be fun, if it’s a chore you just won’t do it. Could you put on your favourite music and dance around the sitting room? And remember, for weight loss it’s 90% food 10% exercise 😊
I walk for work haha I need to work on my food massively too think I’m just struggling with everything at the moment
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Indigo 😊
Thank you. Yea I tried this last year but things got in the way and then I totally forgot about it. But now I’ve downloaded the app it’ll be a great reminder
Just to let you know, the app doesn't give full access to the site so you're best using the website , whatever device you're using
Is it very important to do strengths and flexi exercises as I am really struggling to do it? I do go once a week to aerobics and at the end of the class she does do these exercises plus I do a lot of walking with shopping which is another way of weights. II was always wondering how important it is. I know I must remember to squeeze my pelvis floor muscles when I walk/run.
I like them, and it has definitely helped me. I do a mix of yoga, Pilates and some weights. Just 10 minutes a day 😊
Yeah I’m trying this. Been doing beach body on demand so they have workout videos and I try and do yoga every day
Oooh I love yoga. The only problem is with me the one that I know is at least 1.15 minutes with public transport and therefore i don't bother.
Good for you!
I do it in the house look up fightmasteryoga on YouTube her tutorials are great
You deserve a gold medal for being so motivated. On your own. Wow! I need company! Thanks anyway for telling me!
It’s only because I’m so fed up with my body and sick of starting over haha, it’s not everyday I do it well it has been this week but I usually go months without due to laziness but always come back to the same videos. Don’t think I’ve ever made it through her full 30day beginners program but this month I’m going to try
Hi - there's a saying 'you can't outrun a bad diet' - and I believe that diet is more important than exercise when it comes to weight loss. Plus it sounds as though you are getting probably enough exercise - so perhaps it's time to address the diet part of the equation? For me - eating too many carbohydrates drain my energy - I feel much better limiting my carb intake to just veg and getting a good balance of protein and fat too. There is a LCHF forum as part of the HU online community which you might find helpful - use the search function to explore. Good luck!
Hi what type of workout are you wanting to do?

Like your name. It is the dog there that is fat?
As others say, too, you seem to get enough exercise for now.
Had blood check or similar recently? To fight fatigue, exercise is one of the options. But if it drains you, look at other areas.
Consider eating more healthily.
What do you say about that when you go out to exercise, you limit the exercise part of it, and try to relax?
Are you generally stressed?
Are you afraid that if you don't push exercises, you would miss out?

Are you getting enough sleep?

I know how you feel, I walk a lot at work and work very long shifts. I could not find the energy to exercise after work.
Luckily I work shifts and try to do some exercises on my days off, so usually Zumba once a week and a DVD 1-2 times.
If you are active at work, like others say, maybe look at the food you eat and switch it around a bit?
If you want to do some resistant training, you can try Zana Morris 6 minutes workout. it is rather simple and you don't need equipment or to go to a fancy gym. You can do it at home and it doesn't take long.
The link does not seem to work, sorry about that.
If you want to have a look, just put Zana Morris 6 minutes workout on youtube. It is basically 20 squats, 20 lunges, 20 push ups, 20 abdominal crunches and 20 biceps curls. The idea is to complete each exercise as best and as fast as you can, with very little time between the exercises.
At the beginning you might struggle to complete 20 of each, but gradually it gets easier. Then you can add additional exercises or repletion.
I am so sorry you feel like this but you know what I feel exactly the same. I work hard while I am in work but I cannot motivate myself out of work. Meals are a problem too - I just eat because I know I have to but can't seem to enjoy my food. I would really like some help please .
Lets just keep trying - small steps everyday. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend
Welcome back, JC53 - sunshineband. Long time no see
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Wishing you all the best
First of all I would recommend having a nice drink of water as you might be thirsty after your long busy day. Then be prepared before you get home with nice healthy snacks. I.e. ice lollies made out of 100 per cent fruit juice, watermelon fans, pineapple fingers and frozen grapes. For savoury there's spiced roasted chickpeas, homemade kale crisps or air popped popcorn. Hope this helps 😄 xxx