Oh dear 😩: Have just weighed myself... - Weight Loss Support

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Oh dear 😩

Priestess22 profile image
21 Replies

Have just weighed myself after 2 months and I’ve gained again.

Got home and just ate choc bar, feeling I may as well enjoy that as this feels hopeless. I haven’t got the will power.

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Priestess22 profile image
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21 Replies
Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Oh dear, please dont lose heart and put the chocolate down! Whats your daily food plan like ? X

Craf profile image

I know just how you feel. Everyday I start my diet but ruin it at night am sick of dieting and sick of eating. It makes me so fed up

Equi-geek profile image

Hi, I do know how you feel about the gain. I’ve been trying to lose since January and am trying to do the whole ‘eat low carb, eat clean, eat less and move more’ and I’ve ended up injured and lost hardly any weight. Some of us are always going to struggle with the scales and sometimes life gets in the way. One chocolate bar isn’t going to make a difference - you’re right - but please also look at the other benefits of eating more healthily, beyond weight loss. And be honest with yourself and ask, what are the consequences going to be of giving up entirely... 2, 5, or even 10 stone down the road. You’ve learned what hasn’t worked - that’s fine - ‘I haven’t failed, I’ve just discovered what doesn’t work’. Lots of hugs 🤗

Priestess22 profile image
Priestess22 in reply to Equi-geek

Thank you for your words Equi-geek. I will take them on board today. Onwards and upwards for a healthy (er) day ahead 😊👍

Much love xx

lizziep profile image

I found it like trying to quit smoking i tried again and again and then one time it was just right. I also found that I needed a month of doing a really strict healthy eating regime to get my head in the right place which then helped me carry on. The odd chocolate Bar and piece of cake will always be ok because if we deny ourselves we will just want it more and we're only human ! Hope you can try again and wish you Lots of luck 😊

Priestess22 profile image
Priestess22 in reply to lizziep

Thank you Lizziep for your reply. I do appreciate all comments.

A new day today...

Much love xxx

Pieplanter profile image

Hi Priestess22

Let me try to motivate you with my story. Over the last few years I've suffered quite a lot of family trauma and, as a consequence of comfort eating, I got quite large. I ate a lot of 'junk' food. I was struggling to put my socks on without panting.

On Wednesday 27th March I woke up with the mindset 'enough is enough' and overnight I plunged into healthy eating. This was very low carb (yes, giving up all my favourites :-)) with fasting. I'm on 800 calories a day.

Just over 2 weeks later I have lost 16lbs, and I'm feeling on 'top of the world'. Amongst very many other things, I sleep well and my blood pressure is the lowest I can recall (119/67 this morning).

I'm over 60 years old.

I'm not saying it's easy but if the desire is there you can do it. I'm an ordinary bloke but a living example of how you can turn your life round if you want it enough.

[This approach might not be suitable for everyone]

Priestess22 profile image
Priestess22 in reply to Pieplanter

Good morning Pieplanter

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I do appreciate your words.

You are so right about the mindset has to be right. However I think I totally have the mindset back again and then I fail at the last hurdle. I think last night was because I weighed myself and felt totally destroyed what the scales read. Suppose the chocolate bar was a knee jerk reaction but it just added to the bad feeling.

Today is a new day.

Much love xx

Pieplanter profile image

The thing about rapid weight loss, is that I can't wait to weigh in the mornings to see how much more I've lost. That alone is enough to stay motivated :-)

I know the rate of weight loss is going to drop off but by that time, I'll have reached my target weight, and will be enjoying healthy living :-)

This is a really trivial point but my rubbish bin at the end of the week is now less than half as full as it used to be, and whilst I'm not really checking, my food bill is considerably less

Good luck!

Priestess22 profile image
Priestess22 in reply to Pieplanter

That’s brilliant Pieplanter 👍

That’s real motivation but I haven’t seen the scales move in that direction for a long time, even when I think they should be!

Thank you for your good wishes.

Zainabzia profile image

Sorry to say but losing the hope is not accurate idea u can have cheat days once in a week where you can have all beneficial food u want to have but believe me u must have to be self-confident by your own side it would help u a lot ♥

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zainabzia

Hi and welcome, Zainabzia :)

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Wishing you all the best :)

Lesley1234567 profile image

It’s great to have lost 16lb in two weeks Pieplanter , but now you have to maintain it. 800 calories is not sustainable. Check your BMI and eat to the top end of your calories to begin with. It’s much easier to lose 1-2lbs a week and you are more likely to keep it off. By making the right food choices you should never be hungry. Don’t use low fat products as often they have other substitutes in them. Use olive oil, coconut oil, butter, lard and cream, oily fish and meat with the fat left on. You will find these will keep you full for longer, and stop you from snacking. If you do need to snack then you are probably not eating enough. Reduce carbs such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. Snack on nuts and cheese if you need to, olives are good too.

Zainabzia profile image
Zainabzia in reply to Lesley1234567

Oh thanks dear ! Well these words are having strong connection with me ! Have to be studded with it pretty much♥

Pieplanter profile image
Pieplanter in reply to Lesley1234567

Hi Lesley

Thank you for replying. Judging by your comments, I get the impression you haven't read Dr Michael Mosley's book Fast 800? That's the programme I'm following

At most I would have stuck to an 800 calories regime for 8 weeks but, based on my current rate of weight loss, it's likely to be less than that.

For me, though, this isn't just about weight loss. It's also about re-education. And Mosley's book is doing both 😊. For a shade over £5, in my opinion, it's a must read for everyone not only those of us that are overweight

Priestess22 profile image
Priestess22 in reply to Pieplanter

I have tried to do some days of 500 calories but it never ends well. I get a bloated stomach at the end of the day, cramps, where I haven’t eaten as much as my body needs. I suffer from Chronic fatigue and I have to make sure I put enough energy into my body for me to last the day.

Ive had a look at the Michael Mosley book but didn’t like the foods within the recipes unfortunately .

I’m more of a plain common salad kind of girl. All these grains, seeds and lentils are not for me. But thank you for your suggestion. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you 👍

Pieplanter profile image
Pieplanter in reply to Priestess22

That's really interesting, Priestess22. When I first scanned the recipes, I thought I was going to sarve because I believed there was nothing there I could eat. Like you, I didn't eat grains, seeds or lentils (or vegetables) but all that has changed. One of my favourite dishes is stir-fried (chinese) vegetables and that's because it only takes a few minutes to prepare and cook. I also eat a fair amount of courgettes (yuk!), brocolli, spinach and peppers. I don't hold back on chicken, fish or beef.

I no longer stick to the recipes anymore but 'mix and match' to suit what I like most. I always read the labels though and won't accommodate simple carbs.

One thing's for sure ... I won't be going back to the rubbish I used to eat :-)

Equi-geek profile image
Equi-geek in reply to Pieplanter

I’m not familiar with Fast800 but most of the studies on ULC and fasting have been done with adult men below retirement age. Women can struggle with fasting like men as the hormone fluctuations are influential to their experience. Not saying ‘can’t’, just saying ‘not the same’.

I’m female and I did calorie controlled diets for 10 years, on and off, before the Rosemary Connelly 4% max fat rule for 4 months in the late 1990’s when I was about to turn 30. I went from an overweight 13.5st down to 10st 3lb. It crept back on and I tipped over 14st by the time I was 35. Tried going back on the low fat, couldn’t sustain it. So then I did Slimming World red and green days, and almost drove myself mad. Lost a stone, put on 2.

Then, tipping the scales over 15.5st tried various attempts at dieting and calorie restriction, including a dose of weight watchers, which pushed my weight to over 16st before my 40th birthday.

Doc sent me for CBT and healthy eating class but so angry was I at food that I did 4 months on only SlimFast meal replacements 3 x a day, including Christmas. Lost nearly 3st. Haven’t been able to successfully repeat it since. Went back up to 16.5st this time last year at 49 years old. Others I know have done Cambridge or lighterlife: the best thing ever while they were losing weight, but it piled back on afterwards and induced a fear of food and cooking.

Fasting is the latest thing. Tried it but I lasted no time on a 5:2 fast and it didn’t fit with 6 days a week or exercise. It triggered disastrous binge eating. I’ve tried IF recently, extending my natural 12 hour window to 16 hours a day but both times it triggered an over-compensation of eating when the fast was over - hence there is still a 3lb badge against my name.

But the longest downwards trend for me is from February last year to now. I was over 16.5st and now I am 14.5st thanks to careful healthy eating, mindfulness, and a shed-load of running (350 miles since starting Couch to 5k in May 2018) and swimming 3 miles a week. I am now injured, having to take a break from running, and not able to burn as many calories, but I am still trying to make a long-term difference to my health at the age of 50 and after 35 years of dieting ‘failures’. I think a 14 or 15 hour fast window might be a sufficient balance, based on 2 meals during a 9 or 10 hour period. But who knows? What works for one person doesn’t mean it works for everyone.

And so it makes me smile when people become evangelistic about this or that programme or book or system. If you are happy at the moment, then I am genuinely pleased for you, and that you’ve found something that is working for weight loss. I know that buzz very, very, well. But can the rest of us wait and see how things work out for you when you ‘stop’, before taking your advice? Because, in my experience (which is only a sample of one, myself, fair enough) anything that has a ‘stop’ point isn’t going to work in the long term and could cause more damage to mental health than not starting.

Pieplanter profile image
Pieplanter in reply to Equi-geek

Hi Equi-geek

Very interesting post, thank you for sharing it.

Fast 800 isn't a diet, it's a healthy lifestyle programme. Consequently, there is no 'stop' as such but a 'management plan' instead.

As far as I'm concerned, this book is a 'life-saver'. Not only because I am at my fittest level for years (blood pressure yesterday was 116/71) but also because routine blood tests last week (I'm pleased to say my GP surgery in monitoring my health) has picked up Stage 2 CKD, which otherwise would have gone undetected.

This might explain why I'm so enthusiastic about the programme 😊

Lesley1234567 profile image

I probably came over a bit sharp, but although it is great to lose 16 lbs and you have done brilliantly, very well done. It’s just that it’s hard to lose but so easy to put back on and we all know it does go back on. And you may be able to continue to eat 800 calories but not everyone can. I just think it’s better to lose slowly and eat a diet which you can continue with. It’s boring but true and I have read Michael Moseley’s books, they are very good and I take what I think is relevant for me. I am at a point in my life where I have done with diets and quick fixes and now want to lose and maintain. I wish you all the best with your weight loss, keep posting as it is always good to read how everyone else is tackling their excess weight.

Pieplanter profile image

Hi Lesley

This is a public forum and, if you've been surfing the internet for as long as I have, you don't post if you're worried about the consequences of doing so :-)

The only thing I detected in your post, perhaps, is the negativity. Nothing has to fail and if you're in the right frame of mind, nothing will :-)

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