Thank you all for your hints and tips regarding my painful Plantar Fasciitis. I have this last week discovered my little exercise bike doesn’t hurt my feet. I just wondered what sort of amount should I be doing each week in order to make a difference to my weight loss journey please? I’m keen to loose half a stone in March at least but I have no clue how far to cycle or how often ? Tia
Exercise bike : Thank you all for your... - Weight Loss Support
Exercise bike

If it's weight loss you're after, that's far more dependent on what, and how much, you eat, not exercise. Exercise has so many benefits for physical and mental wellbeing so I would suggest you go for exercise you enjoy and gradually increase from your current start, rather than totting it up in terms of calories used.
Have you decided on an eating plan yet?
I have cut out all the biscuits and just trying to eat better. I’m not doing anything drastic, yet have lost around 7 lb thus far. I’d just like to exercise too as it makes me feel good about myself for trying. I only wondered how much people have static cycled to give me a rough idea. I’m doing maybe 5-7 km a day.
I'm sure you'll get answers from other exercise bikers and I wasn't meaning to be off-putting As I say, exercise has so many benefits
You've made a great start with your weight loss and it's good to have a cold hard look at what you're currently eating - we can often see obvious changes to make.
I've just posted about a repeat of a very useful BBC programme being re-broadcast tonight, The Truth About Carbs - well worth watching
I’m glad you’ve found your exercise bike doesn’t hurt your foot 😊
NHS recommendation is for 30 minutes moderate exercise 5 times a week, so I would aim for that, but maybe start slow 😊
Good luck!
hi there. I use an exercise bike and have done for a while. I started at 2km and after 3 days increased it by a 1km a day. I can comfortably do 7km a day now. I do vary it some days more some days less. It hasn't really made a difference to my weight but my stamina is better and I feel better in myself. I also do a lot of walking too and find I can walk much further than I ever thought I could. Combined with a low carb diet lots of fruit and veg I have lost a stone since November. Well done on making the effort keep up the good work, you feel better for it x
Hello and welcome to the forum fedupoffeelingtired 😊
Well done for the very positive changes you have made to your health and lifestyle 😊👏
If you haven’t already, then please read the Welcome post here which has lots of useful information about all the things we have on offer
Best wishes in your weight loss journey
Indigo 😊
I asked the fitness coach at my local leisure centre to take me round the various bits of equipment as I wanted to do a bit of aerobic activity which would also strengthen my upper body as I am a keen canoeist in fair weather. He advised me to start with just 5mins on the bike, 5 mins on the cross-trainer, 5mins on the rowing machine and so on. I quickly abandoned the weight lifting apparatus and I hated the cross-trainer as it felt so awkward. I started with just 2 min on the bike daily for a week, then increased by an extra minute each week until I was up to 20mins.
Same process with the rowing machine and start at say number 5 strength and build up.
My favourite is the treadmill, because it has a tv on it and watching that distracts you and makes the time fly. Now that I have got the eating under control, I do just 20 mins on the rower and 30 mins on the treadmill while I watch ‘Homes under the Hammer.’ I do this twice a week at the centre before my Pilates class. It can be disappointing when the machine shows you how many calories your exercise has used, so careful planning ahead and choosing, counting and weighing your food will be the most effective in actually losing weight. I joined Weightwatchers as a wellness programme. The advantage is that you never feel hungry, as there are so many foods you can eat freely. There is no substitute for expert help and the support of others like you.
Hello and welcome to the forum lowemillbarn0 😊
That’s some excellent gym suggestions there, and good suggestions about weight loss 😊
If you haven’t already, then please read the Welcome post here which has lots of useful information about all the things we have on offer
Best wishes in your weight loss journey
Indigo 😊

I had that a few months ago ,I had to look at what shoes I was wearing and get rid of some that I thought were causing the problem.
I have planter fascitis and I wear support socks that more or less remove all the pain from my feet.
Here is a link if you want to try them...
You can try less expensive ones if you like but the socks in the link work for me.
As for the exercise, try 20-30 minutes per day to begin with then after a week or two increase or change difficulty, or do it for longer. Aim for to do about 150 minutes per week eventually.
This feet problem is very common amoungst thyroid patients and thyroid disease especially in the UK is very often undiagnosed due to over reliance on a blood test. It would be worth you posting on thyroid uk another health unlocked group with a list of all your symptoms and the last blood results from your doctor so that some experts can advise.