hi ive just joined today & i cant see or workout how many calories i am allowed a day? i have huge amounts of weight to lose do we all just stick to the same amount?
calories: hi ive just joined today & i... - Weight Loss Support

An admin will send you info soon.

Hi and welcome, debbiek2019
It's best to get a personal calorie range from the NHS BMI calculator and to start near the top end nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-we...
Alternatively, follow a different path, that requires no counting phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...
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Wishing you all the best for 2019
Hello and welcome Debbie
The best advice I can give is have enough to eat. If you are following the NHS 12 Week plan then the 1400/1900 calorie target suggested is a just generic amount, please check your own personal calorie target using the BMI checker, it’s often higher than you think. We always advise starting towards the top of the range, being hungry is the biggest cause of weight loss failure
Best wishes
Indigo 😊
Ty so much for the warm welcome, I have a huge amount of weight to lose, i've calculated the calories & yes its a lot for me to eat because i would only mainly have 1 big meal a day & my biggest downfall is/was alcohol (a bottle of wine a night) 7 days a week , I took my dog for a walk in a long time & we both felt better afterwards & im now drinking a glass of ribena instead of wine